( D)
Chinese children are very obedient. In China, children are taught to obey and respect (尊敬) their parents, teachers and elders. But children in Western countries do not obey every time.
Most parents and teachers in the West expect some bad behavior in children. They see it as a stage(阶段) that children must go through. They expect to see it in teenagers as they are becoming adults.
In China students stand respectfully when they answer questions from the teacher. In the West they don’t stand and often several students answer the teacher’s questions at the same time. This sometimes makes the classroom noisy and hard to control. But students in these classrooms can also have good talks about interesting ideas. Not all the ideas come from the teacher.
Is it good to be an obedient child at all times? Do you sometimes feel that your parents are being unfair(不公平) when they ask you to do something? Perhaps the answer is somewhere between the two ways----the Western way and the Chinese way. If you disagree sometimes, it might be a good way to speak about your ideas politely. That way your parents or teachers can listen and perhaps learn to see your point of view. So you can disagree sometimes as long as you do so politely and with respect.
51.The underlined word “obedient” in the passage means “听话的” in Chinese.
53. Compared with Chinese children, Western children are more obedient.
53. Western parents and teachers are afraid to see children make mistakes.
54. If you disagree with your parents, you can speak about your opinion in a polite way.
55. Western children learn not only from their teachers but also from their classmates.
(E) 日常实际用语
A: What do you plan to do this weekend?
B: 56 .
A: I hear there’s going to be a basketball match this Sunday. Tom and I are going to watch it. 57 .
B: Of course. Basketball is my favorite. But I have no ticket for the match. What a pity!
A: You’re lucky. I have some free tickets. 58 .
B: Great! 59 .
A: Let’s meet at the bus stop at half past five.
B: I think there must be a big crowd of people. 60 .
A: OK. See you at five o’clock.
B: See you.
A. What about making it a little earlier?
B. I have no idea.
C. Let’s share them together.
D. Thank you all the same.
E. Do you want to go?
F. When and where shall we meet?
G. It doesn’t matter.
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