


III. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)


Studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular in China. But Li Maoyuan, an American-born Chinese girl, chose to be back to study in China. Earlier this year, the 13-year-old left the US and     41     a ninth-grader in Chongqing, Southwest China.

“I want to learn more about     42    culture in a real Chinese school,” said Li.

Before she came to China, Li had learned about 700 Chinese characters from    43    mother. However, while studying at Chongqing No. One High School, Li found that Chinese learning was much more    44    than she had thought. The hardest part was ancient Chinese poetry (诗歌). It seemed impossible to remember the characters.

So Li catches every possible moment to do her Chinese exercises. She keeps     45     questions after class and checking the dictionary many times a day. Now the girl is able to recite articles like Zhuge Liang’s Northern Expedition Memorial (《出师表》).

46    Chinese learning, getting used to the learning environment is also a challenge for her. Li finds that Chinese students hardly have a chance to express themselves in class,    47    teachers speak most of the time. As an active student, it really made her upset. But she soon found a way out.

“Although I can’t talk    48    in class, teachers here are patient and nice. They can an swer your questions any time after class.”

As a native English speaker, Li also helps her     49     practice oral English. She suggests that they speak to her in English after class. It turned out to be a great idea. Now during the class break, Li is the most popular student because everybody wants to    50    her!

( ) 41. A. become          B. becomes            C. became         D. becoming

( ) 42. A. China            B. Chinese            C. America        D. American

( ) 43. A. he               B. her                C. hers           D. his

( ) 44. A. difficult          B. hard               C. harder          D. difficulty

( ) 45. A. doing           B. solving             C. answering       D. asking

( ) 46. A. Except           B. Expect             C. Besides         D. Beside

( ) 47. A. when            B. while              C. since            D. though

( ) 48. A. too much         B. much too           C. too many        D. many too

( ) 49. A. students          B. classmates          C. teachers         D. parents

( ) 50. A. talk to           B. talk about           C. speak to         D. tell about


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