Doyou ever watch old movies? Maybe you will see one with Carole Lombard. She wasa famous ___41___ in the 1930s. She died when she was only 34. In her
___42____life she made 70 movies!
Lombard’sreal name was Jane Alice Peters. In 1921, she was playing baseball in the ___43____near her home. A movie director ___44____ her and decided to put her in amovie. She was only 13 at the time. The movie was one of the last
silentmovies. She acted(表演) so well that she ___45___ the hearts of some people. At 16, sheleft school to act.
In1925, she had an agreement with a ___46____ studio, 20th CenturyFox. The studio gave ___47___ a new name, and she acted in several films. Then,at age 18, she was in a bad car accident. The accident left scars(伤疤) on herface. The studio broke the agreement, but she did not ___48___. She continuedto act.
Itwas Paramount Studio that made Lombard a ____49___. She made many movies forthe studio. She also married two of their stars. Lombard was married to actor WilliamPowell for only 23 months. ___50___ seven years later, she married the greatlove of her life, actor Clark Gable. It was a great Hollywood love story.
41. A. nurse B. actress C.doctor D. teacher
42. A. short B. lazy C.long D. humorous
43. A. kitchen B. classroom C.cinema D. street
44. A. forgot B. saw C.hurt D. pushed
45. A. broke B. avoided C.won D. treated
46. A. dance B. film C.music D. school
47. A. me B.it C. her D. him
48. A. give up B. have a try C.make sure D. lift up
49. A. scientist B. writer C.driver D. star
50. A. But B.Before C. Since D. As
参考答案:41-45 BADBC 46-50 BCADA
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