


中考是决定同学们能否进入理想院校的重要考试,为了帮助大家了解,威廉希尔app 小编为大家分享了2014宜宾中考关键句型:提出建议的句型,供大家参考!


1. You can use your pocket money in this way.

2. I think you should use your pocket money in this way.

3. I think you can use your pocket money on these things.

4. You might as well use your pocket money in this way.

5. You'd better use your pocket money in this way.

6. It's a good idea to use your pocket money on these things.

7. I think it'll do you good to use your pocket money on these things.

8. I suggest that you should use your pocket money on these things.

9. I would advise you to use your pocket money in this way.

2014宜宾中考关键句型:提出建议的句型就为同学们介绍到这里,希望同学们能够在威廉希尔app 的帮助下,在中考的道路上高人一等!威廉希尔app 将一如既往为同学们提供最新最热的信息!


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