


对2015年参加中考的同学们来说现阶段已经到了紧锣密鼓组织复习的阶段,为方便同学们更好得进行复习,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2015年四川攀枝花中考英语阅读理解练习之便条,希望能对同学们的学习有所帮助。

I’ll be home late tonight. I have to stay for a business meeting after work. Will you please pick up my jacket from the dry cleaner? The children are at Mother’s. Pick them up there. Could you give them their bath and make dinner for them? Don’t wait for me for dinner. I don’t know what time the meeting will end. And please don’t forget to buy some bread, milk and a little fuller at the supermarket. We don’t have any.



This is a (1) ______ from Sue to John. Sue is John’s (2) ______. One day Sue had to stay for a meeting and couldn’t go home for (3) ______. The children were at their (4) ______ home. So Sue wrote to tell John to do some (5) ______. He would go and get the children (6) ______ first then he would (7) ______ some bread, milk and (8) ______ the children to take a bath. She didn’t tell John how long the meeting would (9) ______ because she didn’t (10) ______ when the meeting would be over.

此题考查考生对日常生活中便条的理解及转述的能力。1. note / message 2. wife 从便条中The children are at Mother’s句及后文叫对方去接孩子并给孩子洗澡等内容可判断。3. dinner / supper 4. grandmother’s /  grandfather’s / grandparents’5. housework 购物和照料孩子等都属家务活。6. back / home 7. buy / get 8. help 9. last / be 注意last可与时间段连用表示“延续”多久。10. know






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