


50. What’s the United Nations’ decision in the Four-Sided Talk?

A. Set an Earth Day.            B. Find out what is making the pollution.

C. Hold an international meeting.       D. Protect and love the earth.

51. What doesn't the old tree tell us?

A. He’s afraid to be cut down some day.

B. The trees have the longest lives in the world.

C. Over-cutting teaches people a lesson.

D. People are destroying the natural environment.

52. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “disasters”?

A. 灾难         B. 奇迹        C. 财富         D.神话

53. What will people do according to the passage?

① Over-use the resources.  ② Beautify the earth.

③ Start a global group.    ④ Protect the earth.

A. ①④          B. ②③        C. ①③         D. ②④


A man decided to take off early from work and go drinking. He stayed there until the bar closed at three in the morning, and he was drunk at that time. After leaving the bar, he returned home on foot. When he entered his house, he didn't want to wake his wife, so he took off his shoes and started tiptoeing(用脚尖走) up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, he fell down. That wouldn't have been so bad, but he had some empty bottles in his back pockets, and they broke. The broken glass hurt his back terribly. He was so drunk that he didn't know he was hurt. A few minutes later, when he was taking off his clothes, he noticed the blood, so he looked himself over in the mirror. He found his back was hurt terribly. He repaired the damage as best as he could and then he went to bed. The next morning his head was hurting, his back was hurting, and he was trying to think up a good story when his wife came into the bedroom. He told his wife his story. “Well, you really tied one on last night,” she said, “and where did you go?” “I worked late,” he said, “and I stopped for a cup of beer.” “A cup of beer? That’s a joke,” she replied, “and you were drunk last night. Where did you go?” “What makes you so sure I got drunk last night?” “Well,” she replied, “my first big clue(线索) was when I got up this morning, I found many Band-Aids(创可贴) on the mirror.”

54. The man didn't want to wake his wife because              .

A. he loved his wife very much

B. he was afraid that he would be hurt

C. he was afraid his wife would find him drunk

D. his wife liked him doing so

55. How did the wife find her husband got drunk?

A. She was very clever.              B. She found many Band-Aids on the mirror.

C. She found some broken bottles.     D. She knew her husband very well.

56. The underlined phrase “tied one on” may mean “              ”.

A. 摔倒           B. 躺在地上 C. 受伤 D. 喝醉

57. When did the man find himself hurt?

A. When he took off his clothes to go to bed.

B. When he fell down to the ground.

C. At three o’clock in the morning.

D. When his head and back were hurting.


Welcome! 24-hour service.

Main Dishes

Cheeseburger     ¥5.2

Big Mac         ¥10.4

Mc Chicken      ¥5(50% off until Feb.24)

Fillet-o-fish       ¥9.9


Pie(apple, pineapple)      ¥3.5

French Fries             ¥5/6/7.5(small, middle, big)

MC and Hot Crispy Strips  ¥5/pair

The fastest!

The most delicious!

The cleanest! Drinks

Coca Cola       ¥3.5/4.5//5.5(small, middle, big)

Orange Juice     ¥7

Coffee          ¥4/4.5/(small, big and refilled for nothing)

Call at 563-5566. Dairy Desserts

Ice Cream     ¥2

Milk Shake (strawberry, Chocolate) ¥4.5/6.5(small, big)

Visit 166 Goodfood Road. Happy Meal(with happy toys)

Hamburger+mini French Fries +mini Pop            ¥12

Cheeseburger + mini Milk Shake +mini Orange Juice   ¥14.5

58. A Big Mac could be a kind of        .

A. ice cream       B. fish       C. fruit       D. hamburger

59. How much did you need to pay for one Mc Chicken before?

A. ¥5.      B. ¥10.       C. ¥2.5.       D. ¥50.

60. Which of the food or drinks does the restaurant offer with different choices?

A. Cheeseburger; Milk Shake.               B. Ice Cream; Coffee.

C. Orange Juice; Coca Cola.                 D. Coca Cola; Coffee; Milk Shake.

61. Which one is TRUE about the restaurant?

A. It is located at 116 Goodfood Road.

B. It is only for children.

C. The food here can be the most delicious and the cleanest, but slow.

D. It will be open all day and all night.


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