对2015年参加中考的同学们来说现阶段已经到了紧锣密鼓组织复习的阶段,为方便同学们更好得进行复习,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2015年四川巴中中考英语复习之完形填空练习,希望能对同学们的学习有所帮助。
The little boy entered the house,unhappy. His mother was 1 cakes in the kitchen. She smiled as she 2 but stopped when she saw his face. “Tyler, 3 happened?Is everything okay?"
"Nothing is okay,mom.”"said the boy,"Today,in our science lesson,Mrs. Green was talking about the 4 .She said that the whole world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying. She wants us to think of something we can do to help. I thought all the way,but there is 5 I can do to make a difference.”
"Let me tell you 6 ."the mother said after thinking for a while. “One morning a man was walking down a beach,there he saw thousands of dying starfish covering the beach,they were pushed up by the 7 ,and it was too far up for them to make their way back by 8 .The man shook his head as he walked along,'What a pity!So many starfish will die on the beach.' The man felt very sorry 9 those starfish. He went on walking and just at that time he was 10 to find a boy in front who was throwing the starfish back into the sea as 11 as he could,'how silly you are!My 12 ,'the man said,'There are so many starfish,can you throw all of them back?' The boy didn't stop but kept throwing,' 13 I can't help them all I can make a difference to this one,and this one,and this one,and this one.”
"Thinking for a moment,the man 14 to help return the starfish to their home. He smiled and said to himself,'Sometimes the biggest lesson in life comes from the 15 person.
1. A. drinking B. making C. selling D. washing
2. A. turned around B. turned down C. turned on D. turned off
3. A. what B. when C. where D. why
4. A. air B. land C. water D. environment
5. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
6. A. a lie B. a joke C. a story D. a truth
7. A. wind B. rain C. waves D. sands
8. A. himself B. itself C. ourselves D. themselves
9. A of B. for C. from D. forward
10. A. afraid B. surprised C. sad D. angry
11. A. slow B. fast C. soon D. high
12. A. father B. mother C. son D. daughter
13. A. Or B. So C. Because D. Though
14. A. began B. continued C. forgot D. waited
15. A shortest B. tallest C. smallest D. biggest
答案:1-5.BAADD 6-10.CCDBB 11-15.BCDAC
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