





Grown ups are always telling kids what to do. Do you listen to them?Usually they know what is best for you, but sometimes they can be wrong.

So, many countries have a special law(法律)to keep people under 18 safe.

Teachers can punish(惩罚)bad students, but they cannot just do anything they 1ike. If a teacher tries to kick you out of class, you can go to the headmaster and tell him you have the right to stay in school.

1)School buildings and playgrounds must also be __________ for___________. If the things you use in P.E. class are unsafe, the law says the school must fix them or get new ones.

2) Do you know anyone who can’t go to school because their parents aren’t willing to pay for it? This is also against the law, which says parents must have their kids in school.

Kids have a right to privacy(隐私)under the law, which says parents and teachers cannot read children’s own letters.

The law also protects children’s health. It says there should be no smoking in schools and other places where many teenagers go.

Have you ever wondered why tickets for parks and museums are cheaper for students? It’s also because of the law. It says that kids need to have lots of chances to learn.

1.在1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:_____________ ________


3.回答问题:Why can’t parents read their children’s own letters?


4.在文中划出与下列句子意思相近的句子:Kids usually pay less for some public places.





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