1.It will always give you a big surprise whenever you visit the Mogan Mountain.
2.Who is the owner of the new sports car?
3.Go straight down this road,and you will reach the beautiful park.
4.The road used to be smooth,but now more traffic has made it a fairly difficult walk.
5.It's too hot today.The dog is lying still on the ground under the tree.
My Biggest Problem
My biggest problem is that I am too busy.When I was young,I used to have 6.too(太)much time,but these days I get up early and 7.study/learn(学习)in school all day.8.Then(然后)I go right home and eat dinner.Before I started for school,I used to spend a lot of time 9.playing(玩)games with my friends,but I just don't have the time 10.anymore(不再).In the evening,I used to watch TV or 11.chat(聊天)with my grandmother,but now I have to study.I love 12.music(音乐),and my father used to take me to the concerts.These days,I 13.hardly(几乎不) ever have time for 14.concerts(音乐会).I do homework and go to bed.I really 15.miss(想念)the old days.
When we sleep,we lie down.Our bodies rest because we are not moving.Our stomachs rest because we are not __16__(eat).Our lungs rest because we are not breathing so fast.Our __17__ rest because they are not looking at anything.The work our bodies do while we are awake __18__ (go) on while we sleep.But it goes on more __19__(slow).
Animals need __20__(sleep),too.But some animals do not lie down and close __21__ eyes,as we do.
Sometimes,it is hard to tell whether a cow is asleep __22__ awake because we do not often see cows __23__(close) their eyes.
Horses sleep __24__(stand) up.Cranes not only sleep standing up,__25__ they sleep standing on one leg!
16.eating 17.eyes 18.goes 19.slowly
20.sleep 21.their/the 22.or 23.close
24.standing 25.but
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