


威廉希尔app 整理了“2015年中考全国卷预测题八”,帮助广大考生中考复习,轻轻松松得高分!




1.To_achieve one's purpose depends largely upon one's effort.

2.More and more Indian products have been sold all over the world.

3.Three quarters of the workers in this factory come from the countryside.

4.The music has got strong beats.

5.I beg your pardon?I can't follow you.


6.She travelled some European countries,including(包括) Italy and Switzerland.

7.The secretary(秘书) masters all the business when he is out.

8.Roses(玫瑰) stand for love.

9.Your kindness(善良) made me feel at home.

10.He is very disappointed(失望),because he didn't find the best way to solve the problem.



Mrs.Green has lived in the city for about forty years.She's very rich and she has got a lot of money but she never buys anything __11__ for her family and always does all the housework __12__(her).

Last morning,when she got up,she felt terrible.After breakfast she felt even __13__(bad).She found some __14__ and took it.But it was __15__ (useful) to her and she had to go to a hospital.The doctor looked her over and asked her __16__ in hospital,but she refused and went home __17__ foot.As soon as she got home,the telephone rang.She hurried to __18__ it.The doctor told her she __19__ (leave) her wallet in the hospital and a nurse found it.

“Could you tell me her name,please?”asked Mrs.Green.

“Of course,Mrs.Green.Are you going to thank her?” asked the doctor.

“No,no.” The old woman said in a hurry,“I __20__(lose) a wallet in your hospital three years ago.I want to know if she could find it,too.”

11.expensive/dear 12.herself 13.worse 14.medicine

15.useless 16.to_be/stay 17.on 18.answer

19.had_left 20.lost

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