( )1.A .Would you like some more drink?
B . Would you like to have some drink?
C . Would you like something to drink?
D . Would you like some more milk?
( )2. A .My father’s car number is G67885.
B . My father’s car number is J68875.
C . My father’s car number is D697785.
D . My father’s car number is B698875.
( )3.A .Let’s put these books in the box.
B .Don’t put these books in the box.
C . I want to put these books in the box.
D .I can’t put these books in the box.
( )4.A .Tom has turned his MP3 on.
B . Tom has turned his MP3 down.
C . Tom has turned his MP3 off.
D . Tom has taken his MP3 off.
( )5.A . This isn’t his mobile phone. He left his in the office.
B . This is his mobile phone. I left mine in the office.
C . This isn’t her mobile phone. Hers was left in the office.
D . This is her mobile phone. Hers was right in the office.
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