二. 用动词的适当形式填空:
1. I remember ________ (turn) off the light in my bedroom, but now it’s still on.
2. I tried __________ (not worry), but I phoned him once a day.
3. Don’t forget ________ (bring) your new camera tomorrow.
4. If the kid ________ (want) to fly a kite, we ________ (go) to the park.
5. If you __________(not have) a ticket, you _________ (not get) in.
6. If he __________ (be) late, __________ (not wait) for him.
7. We must clean and tidy the room when we finish _________ (paint).
8. It’s hard work to get everything ready on time ________(print).
9. If the car won’t start, try ________ (push) it.
10. Don’t forget _________(water) my flowers while I’m away.
11. I insisted that he ________ (go) at once.
12. If he ________(pass) the exam, his father ________ (buy) him a computer.
13. Certainly I posted your letter—I remember _________ (post) it.
14. She ________ (fall) in love with the house as soon as she saw it.
15. As he _________ (read) the newspaper, Granny went out quietly.
16. I look forward to ________ (receive) your reply as soon as possible.
17. They ________ (listen) to the teacher attentively (专心地) when the bell _______(ring).
18. We couldn’t decide whether ________ (buy) the red one or the blue one.
三. 句型转换:
1. If I go there, I’ll buy some flowers for my mothe r. (划线提问)
________ ________ you ________ for your mother if you go there?
2. You’ll be late if you don’t hurry up. (并列句)
_______ ________, _________ you’ll be late.
3. Leave the gym during the party. (否定句)
_______ ________ the gym during the party.
4. Mike does his best—he always works as hard as he can at school. (同义句)
Mike does his best—he always as _______ as_______ at school.
5. If you eat healthy food, your body and mind will work well. (否定句)
If you ________ eat healthy food, your body and mind _______ work well.
四. 补全对话:
A: Good morning. _______1_________
B: Yes, please. I’m looking for a mobile phone, but I have no idea.
A: We’ve got all kinds of mobile phones here. Which do you prefer, Simens, Nokia or Motorola?
B: I really know a little about them. Which one sell best these days?
A: Mm… ________2_______
B: How much is a Motorola?
A: _________3_________ The newer, the more expensive.
B: _________4_________
A: What about this one? It took nice and works well.
B: _________5_________
A: 1,000 yuan.
B: Any discount? How about 850 yuan?
A: _________6_________. That’s the best we can do. OK?
A. A. Motorola is more popular, I think.
B. B. I want one, n ewer but not too expensive.
C. C. I have to ask for 900 yuan.
D. D. What can I do for you?
E. E. What type would you like?
F. F. My mobile phone is Motorola.
G. G. How much is it?
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