(Sue=S Ken=K)
S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?
K: 1.____________________________, I don't have a car right now
S: Oh, that's too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.
K: Why? 2______________________________?
S: No, I'm all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.
K: I see. 3. ____________________________?
S: I've already got some flowers from my mother's garden.
K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.
S: But, what a pity! I can't see Linda now. No car and no driver.
K: Wrong. You have a good driver here.
5. ___________________________.
S: Really? That's great. It's very kind of you, Ken.
K: It's my pleasure.
1 She may have one.
2 Here you are.
3 Would you like to come?
4 What time will it begin?
5 I must finish my homework first.
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