()11.Mid-Autumn Day usually ________ in September or October every year .
A. comeB. comes C. is comingD. will come
()12.Mike looks ________ than Paul, but they are of the same age.
A. youngest B. the youngestC. younger D. very young
()13.—Where is Mrs. Smith?
—She isn't here. She ________ to England .
A. has gone B. has been C. wentD. goes
()14.Mrs. Green is out. I have to ________ her baby.
A. look around B. look up
C. look forD. look after
()15.—Dad, must I finish my homework today?
—No, you ________ . You may do it tomorrow.
A. needn't B. mustn'tC. don'tD. won't
()16.Mr. Thin was very poor, ________ he was very happy.
A. andB. but C. orD. so
()17.—Shall we leave now?
—Don't hurry. We still have ________ time left.
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
()18.We’re in class. You’d better not
A. talkB. talkingC. talked D. to talk
()19.—Guess ________ I did yesterday!
—I think you went to a party.
A. whereB. whenC. whatD. which
()20.________ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.
A. Pick B. BringC. CarryD. Take
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