Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “I'm going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very 1 , and he did not get in.
Then he said, “I'm going to 2 a small boat and I'm going around the world. ”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough3 .
Last summer Mike found a swimming 4 near his house. The lessons did not cost very
5 , and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having 6 . Now he is a good swimmer.
Last week a little boy said to him, “You’re a very good swimmer. How do 7 learn to swim so well?”
“I'm not good at all, ” Mike said and he smiled. “ 8 I'm in the water, I say to myself, There are 9 fishes behind me! Then I'm very afraid, and I 10 quickly.”
1.A. big B beautiful C. good D strong
2.A. buy B make C borrow D. draw
3.A. food B. work C time D. money
4.A. park B. school C. farm D. factory
5.A. much B. little C. many D any
6.A. meals B. lessons C. talks D. games
7.A. I B they C. we D you
8.A. If B When C. Though D Where
9.A. interesting B. nice C. dangerous D different
10.A. run B. jump C. swim D fly
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