D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)
Lester liked to collect things. He would walk near his house with his eyes focused on the
ground, hoping something interesting would present itself at his feet. Lester had found many things this way.
On day, Lester was walking home from school. Just as he turned the corner to his street, Lester
noticed something on the ground. When he bent down to pick it up, he was amazed! It was a small rock, shining in the sun. “It is a diamond(钻石)!” he thought. He could not be sure, though.
Lester picked the rock up and carefully put it into his pocket. When he reached his house, he ran to his bedroom. He pulled a magnifying glass and began to examine his find. Lester had heard that diamonds can cut glass, so he rubbed (划) the rock on the mirror and there was a small cut in the mirror's surface. It was a real diamond.
It must have fallen out of someone's ring. Lester thought about what his mum had said about
finding something valuable, “You should always give it to the police, so they can try to find the owner."
The next day, Lester carried the stone to the police station. He told the policeman where he had found the rock and how he thought it might be valuable. "Thank you, young man," the policeman shook Lester's hand. "You did the right thing coming down here today," he said. “According to 'the found-property(拾得财物) law', if you had not brought the diamond to the police and just kept it, you might have been breaking the law. Since you did bring it to the police, there is a chance you could keep it legally(合法的)."
"Is that true?" Lester asked.
“Yes," the policeman answered. "If no one claims(索取) this diamond within six months,
it will be yours under the law."
Lester walked out of the police station happily. He was glad he had given the diamond to
the police, and he thought about how happy it would make someone to get it back. Still,
Lester hoped that maybe he could keep the diamond.
93. Why would Lester walk near his house with his eyes focused on the ground?
94. How did Lester feel when he bent clown to pick up the small rock?
95. Where was a small cut left after Lester rubbed the rock?
96. What did Lester's mum tell him to do if he found something valuable?
97. Was there a chance that Lester could keep the diamond legally?
98. What do you think of "the found-property law"?
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