93. Yes, it is.
94. They climb on a plastic wall.
95. One is the convenience of indoor climbing, the other is the rush they get from the climbing.
96. A partner.
97. He/She pulls your climbing rope through something called a belay device.
98. I like rock climbing. Although it's a dangerous sport that requires experience, skill and a cool head, I can experience the pleasure of success.
(Any reasonable answers can be accepted.)
93. she had pneumonia and it left her with a paralyzed left leg.
94. She encouraged her daughter by telling her to do whatever she wanted to do.
95. At the age of 9. (When she was nine years old.)
96. (She met the coach) At/In the university.
97. No, she didn't.
98. From this story I can learn that ( Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. / Where there is a will, there is a way...) Any reasonable answer will be accepted.
93. No, he doesn't.
94. Because he wanted to provide his family with the best things that money could buy.
95. A senior supervisor.
96. He was not spending enough time with them.
97. Near the coast of Singapore.
98. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.
93. (Because) He hoped something interesting would present itself at his feet. /
To hope something interesting would present itself at his feet.
94. He felt/was amazed.
95. In the mirror's surface.
96. His mum told him to give it to the police. / To give it to the police.
97. Yes, there was.
98. I think it's...
93. Because he lost his memory. / To ask for help.
94. They felt surprised.
95. He could make sentences without difficulty.
96. A friend of his.
97. In a perfect flat in downtown Manhattan.
98. He had to meet his family and friends. /He had to continue his four - year course in photography.
(Any reasonable answer is acceptable. )
93. He played his violin at the gate of the subway station in London.
94. The words on the paper.
95. He put 50 dollars and a lottery into the hat.
96. Because he thought the owner would return to look for it.
97. Yes, he did.
98. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.
93. It was sent to an/the editor of a newspaper in Germany.
94. He travelled by underground.
95. No, they didn't.
96. The future of Germany is Mr. Vogts' worry.
97. He went to the library.
98. Any reasonable answer is OK.
93. 11 years- old. / When he was 11. /At the age of 11.
94. Yes, he was.
95. Surprised. / He felt surprised.
96. In his own way.
97. In 2007.
98. creative / clever / helpful / perfect / powerful / strict / successful / useful/ wise / great / good /...or: / terrible / foolish / useless /.../I think his way is... because ... I don't think his way is...because...
(Any reasonable answers are accepted. )
93. It refers to a person who is new in a job.
94. Yes, he/she is. .
95. Agricultural scientists.
96. Yes, they do.
97. About 400 years ago.
98. He is jealous. (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.)
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