



Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(共12分)

More countries have English as the official language than any other language, with around

400 million native speakers around the world. Do you know which English word was the hottest in


According to a study by the Global Language Monitor(全球语言监测机构), the most commonly

used English word on the Internet and in print this year was “occupy”(占领).

For cultural commentator(评论员)Peter York, the popularity was very understandable. “There has been a lot of occupying going on in terms of land, cities and countries,” he said.

To occupy can mean to live or to be in a place. Sometimes it means to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by military force(军事力量). “Occupy” came out on top largely because of the second meaning.

One of the most famous “occupy” movements is happening now. On September 17, a group of people gathered in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in New York to show their anger towards unemployment(失业),social inequality(不公平), US business and other problems. The anger soon became a worldwide movement. Many people joined in the protests because they lost their jobs and feel that society is unfair.

“Deficit(赤字)” was the second word on the list. Deficit means the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need. This word is hot because many countries are facing economic problems.

Steve Jobs, the Apple CEO who passed away in October, was the top name of 2011. Osama bin Laden, who was the leader terrorist organization al-Qaida, came in second on the name list. The new princess of the UK, Kate Middleton was number six.

93. Which English word was the hottest in 2011?

94. How many meanings of “occupy” are mentioned in the passage?

95. One of the most famous “occupy” movements happened in the US, didn’t it?


96. Why was the word “Deficit” hot?

97. Who is Steve Jobs?

98. Can you list one more hot word and tell why it is hot?


93. Exam time (is the most stressful period of the year).

94. We can pass the tests with ease with the right amount of hard work and focus. / With the right amount of hard work and focus.

95. Some stopped eating and others ate too much. / Some gave up and others burned themselves out.

96. They're as dangerous as each other. / Pushing ourselves too hard is as dangerous as not studying enough. /Both of them are dangerous.

97. Because if we are tired, information will not stick in our memory.

98. (For reference only) I will stay calm, eat healthy and get a rest. / I will arrange a time each day for study and a time for relaxation. / I will let my brain rest for a few moments every day.



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