⒈ 许多专家认为,到2020年,印度人口可能会比中国人口多。
Many experts think that India's ___________ may be ________ than China's by 2020.
⒉ 今天该轮到你值日了。
It's your _______ to be on ______ today.
⒊ 那边出了什么事?那么多人挤在大门口。
What's ___________ over there? So many people are __________ round the gate.
⒋ 出门的时候别忘了锁门。
Don't forget to _____ the door when you _____ home.
⒌ 别插队,否则别人会生你的气。
Don't be a ________ ___________ , or the others will get angry with you.
I.从 B 栏中找出能够回答 A 栏问题的答句。
()⒈ I fell and hurt my leg just now.
()⒉ What are you going to be when you grow up?
()⒊ What does a woolen sweater cost?
()⒋ What's your mother's job?
()⒌ How far is it from your home to our school?
A. I'd like to be a teacher like my father.
B. About half an hour's walk.
C. About 200 yuan.
D. I'm sorry to hear that.
E. She's an office worker
Paul is a kind-hearted farmer. He is riding on his horse. He is going to the market. He meets an old man on the road. The man is carrying a big bag. It is _____ of things. Paul wants to help him.
Paul:Good morning, ______.
Man:Good morning, young man.
Paul:________ are you going?
Man:I'm going to the market.
Paul:Do you want a ride?
Man:______ , I'm tired.
Paul:May I help you get on the horse?
Man:Yes, please. Do you want to get on the horse, _____?
Paul:Yes, I do.
Man:Can your horse ________ us and my bag?
Paul:No, I don't think so.
Man:Can you ________, young man?
Paul:Of __________, I can.
Man:Let's go. It's very _______ of you, young man.
Paul:It's a ____________ .
population, larger, turn, duty, happened, crowding, lock, leave, queue jumper
DACEB full, sir, Where, Sure / Certainly, too, carry, walk, course, kind / nice, pleasure
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