威廉希尔app 为大家准备了关于上海周浦中学简介,希望大家的能力更上一层楼。
作者:管理员 发布日期:2006-9-12 10:12:04 浏览量:8152
华东师范大学附属周浦中学是一所区属重点中学,学校始建于1924年, 历史悠久,积淀深厚。2000年学校搬迁到了新校址,坐落在南汇区周浦镇繁荣路188号,交通便捷。现有学生人数近二千人,全校专任教师112人,其中特级教师2人,高级教师38人,一级教师57人。
电话:021—58111437转各分机 传真:38111047
Zhoupu Senior High School
Zhoupu Senior High School is a key school in Nanhui District. It was established in 1924 with a long history and a solid foundation. In the year 2000 it was moved to a new and more convenient location----188 Fangrong Road, Zhoupu, Nanhui District. At present, it has nearly 2000students and 112 professional teachers, including 2 superior teachers, 38 advanced teachers and 57 intermediate teachers.
In the new phase of development, the aim of our school is to probe the new teaching ideas which have descended from old traditions. “Everything serves the development of the students.” Has turned into our educational motto, and “Perfect personality can make a student perfect, solid foundation can make a student explore and all-round development can make a student more versatile” has become our aim to carry out the management of our school fully and to provide a framework of educational commitment and to keep an open mind to the concerns of students. All the teachers take “The Teaching Reform II” as an impetus to form a productive and intense atmosphere of research, teaching and science & research competition. They regard the students as the cores, putting the tools of the modern information age into the teaching classroom, tools such as net technology, TI computer technology and so on, while also conducting active research on the new teaching method----“cooperation, interaction and research”.
We have opened new experimental classes by stages and in groups, for example, net classroom, maths coach, composition tutor, vocabulary study, the application of TI computer to maths, physics and chemistry(science) and we have accepted the branch research subject by Shanghai Teaching Research Office which is subject to Shanghai Education Committee and carry on the research on the integration of science and arts----“How Iron Iron Was metalled!” was awarded Shanghai Specialized Education Website. Thus Shanghai Teaching Research Office authorized “TI Maths & Physics Technology Experimental School” and “The Teaching Reform II Experimental School” to us. Meanwhile, our school has assumed the Educational Department’s key subject----“The Comparison and Experiment Research on Basis Education Quality’s Assurance and Assessment” which is wholly recognized as the experimental base of the above subject. In this good educational environment, the students with some guidance from teachers started “BaiHua Literary Society”, “BaiHua Calligraphy & Painting Society”, “Intelligence Robot”, “Net Lovers Club”, “Coloration House” and so on.
Since 2002, we have won over 100 prizes in many competitions including 2 state prize, 24 city prizes and 65 district prizes.
Telephone: 021—58111437(General----unless specific extension# is known)
Fax: 38111047
E—mail: z24 @nh. edu.sh.cn
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