



★中考英语改写句子SECTION 解题秘籍


例:us, teaches, English, Mr Lee . (连词成句)


1. 肯定句<--->否定句:

常考的考点:have 、do句型

提取助动词+ 动词原形 :do/did/does + V原形

特例1:现在完成时have/has been --> have/has not been

1.He has been there.(改否定句) He _____ _____ there.

2.Jake has already downloaded many free games from the App store. (改为否定句)

Jake ________ downloaded many free games from the App store ________.

特例2:一般将来时will do ---> won’t do

1. (13黄浦)The charity organization will receive some money from the local government next year. (改为否定句)

The charity organization _____ receive _____ money from the local government next year.

特例3: had better do ---> had better not do (would rather (not) do)

2. 反义疑问句:


I. 信号词never, seldom, hardly, rarely, few/little 功能上= not

II. 注意用代词 Mr.Smith and his wife 用代词-->they

Her parents seldom went to work, _____ _____?

III. 注意句子的整体理解

(13闸北)They tried everything they could to improve the situation. (改为反意疑问句)

They tried everything they could to improve the situation,_________ _________?

3. 主动语态变被动语态


情况1: 一.现: am/is/are + V(P.P)

一.过: was/were +V(P.P)

情况2(有be):一.将: will be + V(P.P)

情态动词: can/may/must/should be+ V(P.P)

情况3: 现.完: have/has been +V(P.P)


Uncle Tom grows tomatoes in the field.(改被动)

Tomatoes_____ _______ by Uncle Tom in the field.

4. 同义句转换


I.表结果so….that +句子= too … (adj) to do


= not …(adj反义词) enough to do

He is so weak that he can’t play football.

He is___ weak ____play football.

He is not _____ ______ to play football.

II.表目的so as to do =(in order)to do= so that+ 句子= in order that+句子

III. 表原因because, because of

They didn’t go to the museum last Monday. It rained hard. (保持句意基本意思)

They didn’t go to the museum last Monday _______ _______the heavy rain.

IV. 条件状从 if….not= unless 如果不

V. 时间状从 not…until 直到。。。才

Work harder, or you'll not succeed in your new job.(保持句意不变)

_________work harder, you'll not succeed in your new job.


say sorry to= apologize to道歉;

be made up of= consist(s) of 由。。。组成

besides A= in addition to A 除A以外(还有)

prefer(red)A to B= like(d) A better than B 喜欢A胜过B

do harm to…= be bad for… 对…有害

improve a lot … = make progress … 在…有进步(13徐汇)

escape= run away逃跑; immediately= at once 立即

high=in height EG: It is 10 meters in height. 拓展:wide= in width ; long= in length

be held= take place举办 when he was over sixty= in his sixties

I think…= In my opinion, …我认为

run out of= use up 用完

consider = think about 考虑

sb. pays/paid $ for sth.= sb. buys/bought sth for $=it costs/cost sb $

decide to do= make a decision to do

5. 对划线部分提问

常考的考点:how long/soon/ far/often, how much/ many的区别;Why/ What/ How 的区别

★How long 多长时间 信号词:for +时间段;since+时间点(for 10 years, since 2012)

★How soon 多久 信号词:in + 时间段(in 10 days)

★How often & How many times 表频率 信号词:once, twice, >=3 times,

特注:当信号词是every 2 weeks等时,疑问词只能How often

★How far 多远距离 信号词:meters, two hours’walk/ride

★How old 历史多久 信号词:has a history of more than 1000 years

★Why 原因 信号词:to do…,for+ doing/名词

★How 方式 信号词:by doing…

6. 肯定句改为感叹句

常考的考点:近年来考的较少,要求掌握How/What 的修饰用法。

7. 两句子合并为一句,复合句变为简单句


He doesn’t do A. He does B. ----> He does Binstead of doing A

We… . We can…. ----> We ….. so that we can….

You can go there by bus. You can go there by underground, too/instead.---->

You can go there either by bus or by underground.(二选一)

总结:还有both… and …., neither…nor 表达方式

简单句/不定式----> 复合句/宾语从句

The students asked me whento have a picnic.

The students asked me when theywould have a picnic.

1. Betty taught me how I could use the computer to control the machine. (改为简单句)

Betty taught me how to use the computer to control the machine.


1.从句用陈述句语序 2. 主从句时态保持一致 3.代词合理变化

(13长宁)Frank asked me, "Have you ever created a comic strip?" (改为宾语从句)

Frank asked me whether___I _____ ___had_____ ever created a comic strip.

(13杨浦)‘I can help repair the bike.’ said Jerry.(改为宾语从句)

Jerry said ___that_____ he ___could____ help repair the bike.


解读北京名额分配 对普通校孩子更有利




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