



★中考英语两篇5选4 SECTION 解题秘籍



攻略:通读选项,弄懂词性和词义;遇到模棱两可的问题,不要jump to conclusions,可以先搁置一下,继续阅读,有时候读到最后时前面的问题已经不存在了。如果还有疑问,请将选项进行比对,找到最合适的搭配。

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次)

A. results B. recently C. take part in

D. gently E. choices

Do you know what is special about November and June in the UK? They are, possibly, the only two months with no school holidays. A newspaper 46 did a survey among a group of students. In the survey, 68 percent of the students said that their parents were at work in the school holidays. 73 percent said that they were bored during the school holidays and 35 percent said they were happy to go back to school! The 47 of the survey show that not everybody wants to have many holidays.

If you don’t want to stay at home and get bored, go out and 48 some interesting activities. A lot of schools organize various trips during the holidays, especially when they have a one-week holiday. You have many 49 to make. Isn’t that fun?

46.B 47.A 48. C 49. E

A. go abroad B. outdoor C. wild

D. offer E. afford

Many schools take groups of students to some training centres. There, students can learn a lot from 50 activities. For example, students learn how to make a camp in the forest. They also learn more about 51 animals and plants. At the same time, they are taught how to find their way back to the centre.

In most towns, some other centres 52 students different courses, such as computer game design, film making and painting. Students can also 53 for school trips. They can practise their foreign languages and experience everyday life in different cultures.

50. B 51.C 52.D 53.A


解读北京名额分配 对普通校孩子更有利




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