39.My cousin was born in China but________in Australia.
A.picked up. B.gave up. C.grew up. D.took up
40.What are you going to do when you finish________the room?
A.to clean. B.cleaning. C.clean. D.cleaned
41.We will make laws________our environment.
A.protected. B.protecting. C.to protect. D.protect.
42. He didn't tell us________.
A.if he will give us a lecture. B.whether he would go with you.
C.when he has started. D.when he will arrive.
43. ________important computers are to everybody in a modern city!
A.What. B.How. C.What an. D.How an
44.The weather there isn't nice________?
A.is there. B.is it. C.isn't there. D.isn't it
45. A:Would you mind waiting outside for a moment?
A.Never mind. B. So do I. C.Certainly not. D.You're welcome.
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