



91. _______ (repair) my TV set cost me 100 yuan.

92. There are a number of students waiting to get _______(examine).

93. It’s too cold. Let’s make a fire _______ (warm) ourselves up.

94. You don’t need _______ (worry) about your friend. He is safe at home.

95. We haven’t yet decided whether _______ (get) there by bus or by bike.

96. Would you please _______(make) a little more room for the old woman?

97. Excuse me for _______(come) in without being asked.

98. Little Sandy would love _______(take) to the cinema this evening.

99. Mr Black gave up ______(smoke) only a few years ago. He looks very healthy now.

100. I’m hungry. Get me something _______ (eat).

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