die ?
[误] In South Africa many people died from cancer.?
[正] In South Africa many people died of cancer.?
[误] The old man died of overwork.?
[正] The old man died from overwork.?
[析] 死于疾病应用die of,而死于某种外因事故则多用from.?
[误] His mother is died.?
[正] His mother is dead.?
[误] The old woman was dead at the age of seventy.?
[正] The old woman died at the age of seventy.?
[析] dead是形容词,而die是动词。形容词表示状态,动词则表示动作。?
[误] He died in a traffic accident.?
[正] He was killed in a traffic accident.?
[析] 由于事故而造成的死亡一般用to be killed.?
[误] When the doctor came,the old man had already died.?
[正] When the doctor came,the old man was already dead.?
[正] The old man died before the doctor came.?
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