


中考是为高中的学习奠定基础,所以了解中考也是尤其重要,威廉希尔app 为大家分享了2013年滨州市中考英语试题:单词拼写,希望大家认真观看!

【2013山东滨州】66. A strong earthquake hit Ya’an in ____________(四月), 2013.

【2013山东滨州】67. May I use your mobile phone? _______________(我的) is at home.

【2013山东滨州】68. Eating more __________________(蔬菜)can help us keep in good health.

【2013山东滨州】69. Can you speak ______________(慢慢地)? I can’t follow you.

【2013山东滨州】70. Next Sunday is Father’s Day and it is also my father’s ___________(第四

十) birthday.

【2013山东滨州】71. Before you take the medicine, you’d better read the _____________(说明)


【2013山东滨州】72. All of us were ________________(惊奇的) that such a little girl spoke

English so well.

【2013山东滨州】73. Everyone else in my class was invited _______________(除了) me, and I

don’t know why.

【2013山东滨州】74. As a teacher, you should be ____________(耐心的) with your students.

【2013山东滨州】75. If you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice

________(跑步)every day.


根据句意?用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。?必要时加助动词或情态动词? 76. Peter , we need to clean the house. Could you please ____________( sweep ) the floor?

【2013山东滨州】77. _______________( not smoke ) here, Rick. Smoking is not allowed in

public places.

【2013山东滨州】78. —What do you think of the milk?

—Oh, it _______________( taste ) good.

【2013山东滨州】79. Please say “I’m here ” when your name _______________(call ).

【2013山东滨州】80. When I got home yesterday afternoon , it ________________ (rain ) hard .

【2013山东滨州】81. I have finished my homework , Mom . May I stop ______________ ( have )

a rest?

【2013山东滨州】82. Would you mind turning down the music? I ____________ ( write) a report


【2013山东滨州】83. —Shall I tell Tom the good news?

—No, you needn’t. I ____________ ( tell ) him already.

【2013山东滨州】84. Mo Yan is the first man ____________( win ) the Nobel Price for literature

of the Chinese.

【2013山东滨州】85. If you ____________ (not be ) careful enough in the exam, you will not get

a good grade.

2013年滨州市中考英语试题:单词拼写就为同学们介绍到这里,希望同学们能够在威廉希尔app 的帮助下,在中考的道路上高人一等!威廉希尔app 将一如既往为同学们提供最新最热的信息!


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