中考是决定同学们能否进入理想院校的重要考试,为了帮助大家了解,威廉希尔app 小编为大家分享了2013年滨州市中考英语试题:选择填空,供大家参考!
21. man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays football with us.
A. A; the B. The; a C. The; / D. A; /
22.— Do you think the of this skirt suits me?
—Of course! You always look beautiful in red.
A. size B. design C. price D. color
23. It’s reported that President Xi Jinping arrived Moscow March 22nd pay a
three-day visit to Russia.
A. at; on B. in ; on C. at; in D. in; in
24. —Diaoyu Island belongs to China.
—Surely it does! We Chinese will never it up. A. cut B. fix C. give D. set
25. —Which of the two T-shirts will you take?
—I’ll take . One is for my brother and the other is for myself.
A. either B. both C. neither D. all
26. — do you know so much about the UFO?
—I usually get the information by surfing the Internet.
A. How B. What C. Which D. Where
27. More and more people have a low-C life and the air is getting much
than a few years ago.
A. clean B. cleanest C. cleaner D. the cleanest
28. Li Na is famous all the tennis fans in China know her.
A. too; to B. enough; to C. as; as D. so; that
29. —It’s difficult to get to the other side of the river.
—I think a bridge over the river.
A. should be built B. should build C. will build D. has built
30. Most students like the teachers understand them well.
A. which B. who C. where D. when
31. —Would you like camping with me?
—I’d like to. But I’m busy my homework.
A. to go; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing
32. —So many problems! I’m tired.
—You should try to them by yourself. You are not a child any longer.
A. get into B. get off C. get on D. get over
33. I know a little about Thailand, as I there three years ago.
A. have been B. have gone C. will go D. went
34. —Hi, Bruce. Here is a letter for you.
—Thanks. I wonder .
A. who the letter was from B. who was from the letter
C. who was the letter from D. who from the letter was
35. —Are you sure you can do well in today’s test, Lucy?
— . I’ve got everything ready.
A. It’s hard to say B. I’m afraid not
C. I think so D. I hope not
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