中考是为高中的学习奠定基础,所以了解中考也是尤其重要,威廉希尔app 为大家分享了2013年滨州市中考英语试题:听力选择,希望大家认真观看!
1. A. It’s Thursday. B. It’s eight o’clock. C. It’s June 13.
2. A. My pleasure. B. Thank you. C. Don’t mention it.
3. A. In the park. B. For three hours. C. At the age of ten.
4. A. Well done. B. Follow me. C. Sure, here you are.
5. A. Never mind. B. Sorry to hear that. C. Much better.
6. What did Tony buy last night? A. B.
7. 图片版暂无题干
B. C. 8. Where are they probably talking now?
A. In the bank. B. In the cinema. C. In the bookstore.
9. Why can’t Tom go out to play?
A. Because he has to work in the garden.
B. Because he has to look after his father.
C. Because he has to study at home.
10. How old may Lisa be?
A. 16. B. 18. C. 20.
11. When is Jack going to watch a movie?
A. This weekend. B. This evening. C. Next weekend.
12. How does Jack feel when he is watching movies?
A. Excited. B. Tired. C. Relaxed.
13. When did Jack play football in the past?
A. In the gym. B. On the playground. C. In the park.
14. Who is Jill?
A. Jack’s brother. B. Jack’s father. C. Jack’s friend.
15. How many people will go to the movies?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
16. How long has Jiajia’s mother been away?
A. 7 days. B. 10 days. C. 11 days.
17. What does jiajia do every evening?
A. She plays the piano. B. She does her homework. C. She draws pictures.
18. What’s the weather like in Jiajia’s city?
A. Cool. B. Warm. C. Hot.
19. Where did Jiajia and her father go last Sunday?
A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the museum.
20. Where is Jiajia’s mother now?
A. In China. B. In Canada. C. In America.
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