


【摘要】中考是决定同学们是否能进入理想的高中院校的重要考试,威廉希尔app 为大家带来了青海海南2013中考英语模拟试卷及答案 ,供大家复习参考!




pronunciation :(n.)发音, pronounce(v.)发音

differently :(adv) 不同地, different (adj.)不同的, difference(n.)不同 (differences)

frustrate :(v.) 使沮丧 frustrating, frustrated(adj.)沮丧的

spoken :(adj.) 口语的 English-speaking countries 讲英语的国家 speech n. 演讲,演说

solution :(n.) 解决 , (v.)solute

learn :(v.) 学习 , learner(n.) 学习者 langeage learner learn by myself自学 learn by himself

friend :朋友 friendship友谊 friendly友好的

afraid : 害怕的, be afraid of +n.、/ v.ing be afraid to + do sth

fair : 公平的, 反义词 unfair 不公平的

easy : (adj.)容易的 easily (adv.) 容易地 注意early 早的

develop : (v.)发展 development (n.)发展 developed adj.发达的 developing adj. 发展中的

agree :同意, 反义词 disagree disagreement(n.)同意

important : 重要的, 反义词,unimportant , importance(n.)重要

psychology : 心理学 , psychologist 心理学家

day : 天, daily (adj.) 每天的 daily life

die : (v.),死, dead(adj.) 死的, dying adj. 奄奄一熄的 death(n.)死

decide :(v.) 决定, decision (n.),决心 make decisions / make a decision

pride : (n.) 骄傲, proud (adj.) 骄傲的 take pride in = be proud of

sleep : (v.) 睡觉, asleep (adj.)睡着的 sleepy (adj.)困倦的 oversleep(v.)睡过头

answer : (v.) 回答 = reply to

succeed : (v.) 成功, success (n.) 成功, successful (adj.) 成功的。 successfully (adv.)

medicine: (n.) 药, medical(adj.) 医学的 medical research

permiss : (v.)允许 permission (n.) 允许。

noise : (n.)噪音, noisy (adj.) 吵闹的 get noisy make noise

honest : (adj.) 诚实的, 反义词 dishonest 不诚实的 to be honest 老实说

fish : (n.) 鱼, fisherman (n.) 鱼夫

late: (n.)晚的, latest (adj.) 最近的 later稍后

photograph (n.) 照片 photography 摄影,照相 photographer 摄影师

interest : (n.) 兴趣, take an interest in = be interested in

suggest : (v.) 显示,暗示, suggestion (n.) 建议(可数n.)

energy : (n.) 活力, energetic (adj.) 有活力的

actual (adj.) 实际的 actually (adv.) 实际上

main (adj.) 主要的 mainly (adv.) 主要地

tire (v.) 使劳累 tiring (adj.) 累的, tired (adj.)累的。

fascinate :(v.) 使迷人 fascinating (adj.) 迷人的

thrill : 使害怕 thrilling (adj.) 令人激动的, thrilled , (adj.)激动的

peace :(n.) 和平 peaceful (adj.) 和平的,宁静的

tour : (n.)旅游, tourist (n.) 游客, touristy (adj.) 游客众多的

live : (v.) 生活,(adj.) lively 充满活力的, living (adj.)活着的,活生生的,alive(adj.)活着的

translate : (v.) 翻译, translator (n.) 翻译员

will : 愿望 , willing (adj.)乐意的。Be willing to do sth 乐意做某

= hold on to (介词) doing sth : 乐意做某事

advertise : (v.) 做广告, advertisement (n.) 广告

hunger : (n.) 饥饿, hungry (adj.) 饥饿的

home : 家,(adj.) homeless : 无家可归的 home-made 自制的

donate : (v.) 捐赠 donation (n.)捐赠物

appreciate : (v.) 感激 appreciative (adj.) 感激的

special : (adj.)特别的, specially (adv.) 特别地

invent : (v.) 发明, invention (n.) 发明 inventor (n.) 发明家

salt : (n.) 盐, salty (adj.) 咸的

please : 使高兴, pleased ,(adj.)高兴的, pleasing = pleasant (adj.) 高兴的 pleasure (n.) 乐意

indoor :在户内, 反义词 outdoor

wood : (n.)木头, woods 森林, wooden (adj.)木头的

world : 世界, worldwide (v.) 世界范围的

popular : (adj.)流行的, popularity (n.)普及

embarrass :(v.) 使尴尬, embarrassed ,embarrassing (adj.)尴尬的

exhaust :(v.) 使精疲力竭, exhausted ,exhausting (adj.)精疲力竭的

empty : (adj.)空的 反义词 full 满的,饱的

announce : (v.)宣布, announcement (n.) 宣布 通知

magic : (n.)魔术, magician 魔术师

familiar : (adj.)熟悉的, 反义词 unfamiliar

experiment : (v.) 实验, experience (n.) 经历

normal : (adj.)正常的, normally (adv.) 正常地

science : (n.)科学, scientific (adj.) 科学的, scientist (n.) 科学家

danger :(n.)危险, dangerous(adj.)危险的 endangered (adj.)危险的

mystery : (n.) 神秘事物 mysterious (adj.) 神秘的

shine : (n.)阳光 shiny (adj.) 有光泽的

beauty : (n.) 美丽, beautiful (adj.) 美丽的

poem : (n.) 诗, poet 诗人

south : (n.)南方, southern (adj.) 南方的

strong : (adj.)坚定的, strongly 坚定地

play : (v.)玩, playful (adj.) 玩皮的

spot :(n.)斑点, spotted 有斑点的

weigh :(v.) 称 , weight (n.) 重量

pollute :(v.) 污染 polluted 被污染的 pollution (n.)

educate :(v.) 教育 education (n.) 教育

pull :(v.)拉, 反义词push

roof :(n.)屋顶, 复数 roofs

busy :(adj.) 忙的, business (n.) 商业,生意

spare :空闲的 同义词 free

stuff :原料, 复数 stuffs

express :(v.) 表达, expression (n.) 表达

inspire :(v.) 鼓舞 inspiration (n.) 鼓舞一心的人(事)

suit :(v.) 适合, suitable (adj.) 合适的

build :修建, building 建筑

true :(adj.)真的, truth (n.) 真相

normal :(adj.) 正常的 normally :正常地

particular :特殊的 particularly 特殊地

relax :(v.) 使放松, relaxing,relaxed 放松的

crowd :(v.) 挤满, crowded (v.) 拥挤的, uncrowded 不拥挤的

stick :刺,插。 过去式 stuck 过去分词 stuck

lead :引导 ,过去式, led 过去分词 led

think :想,认为, thought (n.) 思想

from :从, form构成

greet :(v.) 问候 , greeting (n.)问候

Switzerland :瑞士 , Swiss 瑞士的、人

organize :(v.) 组织, organized (adj.) 有组织的

shoot :射击 过去式, shot,过去分词 shot

shut : 关上, 过去式shut , 过去分词 shut

able :能, unable (adj.) 不能, disabled (adj.) 肢体有残疾的

taste :品尝 , tasty (adj.) 味道好的

class :等级 , classical (adj.) 古典的

final :最后的, finally 最后地

own :赢,拥有, owner 所有者

knowledge :知识 , knowledgeable (adj.) 知识渊博的

worry :担心 worried (adj.) 担心的

confident :自信的 confidence (n.) 自信


(  )1. Mr. Green has three children. One is a boy and_______ two are girls.

A. the other B. another C. other D. the others

another 指三者以上的另一个。 如: I don’t this one, Please show me another one.

the other表示特指,因为只有3个人除去1个,剩余的得用特指。

the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black.

(  )2. He wants a radio, but he has no money to buy_______ .

A. it B. one C. ones D. that

one 用作替代词主要用于替代“a+单数可数名词”,即 one = a +上文出现的名词;表泛指;若需特指,则用 the one。如:A fast train is one that goes fast. 快车是一种行驶快的火车。 Open the drawer on the left, the one with a key in it. 打开左边的抽屉,上面有钥匙的那个。it 用来指代上文出现的同一个单数名词(必需是单数名词, 包括可数名词单数和不可数名词)

( )3。Remember to turn off the lights, __________ ?

A. don’t you B. shall we C. will you D. can’t you

will you祈使句反义疑问句一般用will you另外记住一个特殊的就是:Let’s开头的,用shall we?但Let us ....,will you?

( )4. You should _______ your friend to help you.

A. let B.make C. get D. have

let have make这三个动词可以直接加Sb. do sth.不需加to只有get需要加to。

( )5. He regards the novel as one of the best ____ .

A. he’s reading B. he read C. he had ever read D. he has ever read


( )6。He is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been________.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular


如:Nothing is so easy as this.= Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing.

如:I can't be better today. 我今天感觉再好不过了。I can't agree with you more.我完全同意你。(再同意不过了)We can't have a worse day. 今天真是再糟不过了。(最糟糕的一天)

( )7.Mr. Brown doesn’t talk much. In fact, he’s a man of _____ words.

A. a few B. little C. few D. a little

few, little表否定,”没有” 但 a few,a little表肯定“一些”,有本句是说他没有多少话。

( )8. Hong kong is______ the south of China, and Macao is ____ the west of Hong Kong.

A. to to B. in to C. to in D. in in

作为方位介词,in 指范围之内的…方向;to指范围之外的…方面. 本题主要看所列地点在不在这个国家的范围内。

( )9。-Ken, when will you come back from America? I want you to buy an ipad 2 for me.

-I will be back _______________ the night of May 31st.

A. to B. on C. at D. in

具体到哪一天的上下午晚上和有形容词修饰的日期,时间前用on 如:on a cold morning.

( ) 10. ---Do you think that teenagers can drive alone?

--- I am afraid not. I don’t think they ____________to do so.

A. should allow B. shouldn’t be allowed C. should be allowed D. shouldn’t be allow

Shouldn’t / Should be allowed to do sth.不应该/ 应该被允许做某事

( )11. He found_______his duty to face the challenges in his education.

A. it's B. it C. that was D. that's

find / feel 等V经常用it做形式宾语。如: He found it important to study English well. 这里it 就是做形式上的宾语,而后面的不定式to study English才是真正的宾语。

( )12。--- I can't stop playing computer games. --- For your health, my boy, I'm afraid you _______. .

A. have to B. may C. will D. can

---我没办法不玩游戏。 ---为了你的健康,我想你必须停止玩游戏。must是主观上必须, have to是客观上必须.

( )13.Don’t ___________ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.

A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry

( )14. Sam got _____ about the words and ended ______ in a low voice

A. frustrating, speaking B. frustrated, up speaking C. frustrate, to speak D. frustrating, up speaking

( )15. ---Why don’t you have a notebook with you ?----- I’ve ____ it at home.

A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. found

( ) 16. ______ it's difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up.

A. Though B. If C. Because D. When

( ) 17. Jay Chou didn’t use to sing the words _______________, so most people couldn’t understand him.

A. enough clear B. clear enough C. enough clearly D. clearly enough

( ) 18. Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby ______, but he failed.

A. to stop to cry B. stop crying C. to stop crying D. stop to cry

( ) 19. The story books ________are on my desk are very interesting.

A. that B. / C. what D. who

( ) 20. --- The TV show Home with Kids is so wonderful. You shouldn't miss it.

--- If I have time, I _____ it.

A. see B. saw C. am seeing D. will see

( ) 21. -Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

-_______________. It hasn’t rained for several months! It’s too dry.

A. I hope so B. I hope not C. I don’t hope so D. I think not

( ) 22. There is a school trip tomorrow, but the teacher didn’t tell us _______________.

A. when we will leave B. where would we meet C. if we can bring some food D. where we would meet

( ) 23. Dad must be in the room,because the light in the room is _______.

A:in B.on C.off D.open

( ) 24. ______ seems that all the students in my class have known the good news.

A.They B.It C.This D.That

( ) 25. _______ All the boys were______at the_____ news.

A.frustrating; frustrating B.frustrating; frustrated B.frustrated; frustrating D.frustrated; frustrated

( ) 26. When we practice speaking English,we often end up_____ in Chinese.

A.to speak B.speaking C.spoken D.speaking

( ) 27. It is impolite to______ those persons in trouble.

A.laugh to B.laugh with C.laugh of D.laugh at

( )28. If you don’t know how to spell a new word, you’d better______.

A.look up a dictionary B.look up an dictionary C.look it up in a dictionary D.look it up in an dictionary

( ) 29. I’m afraid _____ that you have made ____ grammar of this sentence.

A. to say, a mistake B. saying , mistakes in C. to say, a mistake in D. saying , mistakes to

( )30. My father______ us stories when I was young.

A.was used to tell B.is used to telling C.used to tell D.used to telling

( )31.Linda used to be quiet, but now she is ______.

A.outgoing B.more quickly C.noisy D.quieter

( )32.Most little children like to sleep with their mother. They are_____ the dark.

A.interested in B.afraid C.terrified of D.sure of

( )33.John and I had a little trouble______ English grammar.

A.learn B.learned C.learning D.to learn

( )34.David was chewing gum________.

A.anyway B.all the time C.all time D.all the same

( )35.--- I do some running every morning. --- So _________.

A.is he B.does he C.he is D.he does

( )36.The other day, my friends and I got to ______ about the rules that we have in school.

A.talking B.talk C.talked D.talks

( )37.The students stay together and they may talk ______ homework.

A.instead of doing B.instead doing C.instead of do D.instead do

( )38。I enjoy watching TV, but I can’t much time it .

A. pay, for B. take, to C. spend , on D. cost , on

( ) 39. -----How about going shopping this weekend ,Peter? -------Sorry , I prefer rather than .

A. to stay at home , go out B. to go out , stay at home

C. staying at home ,go out D. going out , stay at home

( ) 40. -----Hurry up! The bus is coming .

-----Wait a moment, don’t cross the street the traffic lights are green.

A. after B. until C. while D. since

( ) 41. You won’t succeed ___you work harder than before. A. if B. whether C. unless D. why

( ) 42. When I was a child, I used to ______ chocolate.

A. liking B. liked C. like D. likes

( )43. --- I plan to buy a new MP3. Do you know the price?

--- Oh, maybe you can buy ___ used one. It’s much cheaper than ___ new one.

A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an

( ) 44. --- Kate, ___________ is waiting for you outside. --- Really? Who can it be?

A. everyone B. no one C. anyone D. someone

( ) 45. ---Look at the sign on the right. ---Oh, smoking here.

A. doesn’t allow B. isn’t allowed C. didn’t allow D. wasn’t allowed

( ) 46. If people cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere .

A. keep, to live in B. will keep, to live in C. keep, to live D. will keep, to live

( ) 47. It's very hot in the room. Would you please keep the window .

A. open B. opens C. to open D. close

( ) 48. We don't agree them, but we agree the plan.

A. with, with B. to, to C. with, to D. to, with

( ) 49. I don’t your opinion.

A. care about B. care for C. take care of D. take care

( ) 50. 1.—Jim enjoys listening to pop music. — .

A. So does Helen. B. Also is Helen C. Helen likes also D. So Helen does


Billy worked in a company. At the end of 1 month he got his money in a paper bag.He 2 the bag and found it was wrong. He got fifty more 3 . He put the money carefully in his pocket and said 4 to others. A month later,he got his money again. He found it was 5 again this time. There was not 6 money in his paper bag. Then he went to see the manager.

“That’s right.” Said the manager 7 Billy told his story. “I made a 8 last month. For one mistake, I can close my 9 . But for two, I can’t.Thank you, Billy. I’ve 10 you already. I have to choose another man instead of you. I think you should know what to do in the future.”

( ) 1.A.this B.last C.next D.each

( ) 2.A.closed B.packed C.opened D.turned

( ) 3.A.bags B.cups C.pictures D.dollars

( ) 4.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

( ) 5.A.wrong B.right C.full D.empty

( ) 6.A.enough B.little C.any D.much

( ) 7.A.before B.after C.until D.while

( ) 8.A.phone call B.decision C.mistake D.friend

( ) 9.A.door B.bag C.eyes D.company

( ) 10.A.known B.told C.helped D.asked

Life is not easy, so I'd like to say "When anything happens, believe in yourself."

When I was a young boy, I was 41 shy to talk to anyone. My classmates often 42 me. I was sad but could do nothing, Later, 43 happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to 44 it .What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school.

"Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 45 the contest." Then mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I chose the topic "Believe in yourself." I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 46 .With my mother's great love, I did 47 in the contest. I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that had won the first place, I heard the cheers (欢呼) 48 the teachers and the students Those classmates who once looked down on (看不起) me, now all said" 49 ! "to me. My mother hugged me and cried excitedly.

Since then, everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I try to tell 50 to be sure and I will find myself. This is not only for a person but also for a country.

( )41. A. too B. so C. quite D. very

( )42. A. made faces at B. looked after C. caught up with D. laughed at

( )43. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

( )44. A. take part in B. join C. get D. make

( )45. A. lose B. win C. pass D. beat

( )46. A. words B. topics C. times D. sentences

( )47. A. well B. good C. bad D. interested

( )48. A. for B. at C. from D. to

( )49. A. Good luck B. Best wishes C. Thank you D. Congratulations

( )50. A. someone B. me C. everything D. myself


Advice on Doing Your Homework

Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your homework right after school, you may want to eat something before getting to work. Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don’t wait until late in the evening, or the assignment will seem much harder than it really is.

Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than an hour’s work. Relax yourself after an hour. However, don’t divide it up so much that you can’t get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without stopping.

Don’t put off (推迟)until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind and you won’t enjoy your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much to do. A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it.

Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit-part of your daily work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable as well.

( )1.When someone is hungry, he’d better______.

A.not work at all B.work harder C.not work too hard D.work as usual

( )2.The underlined word “assingment” in the article may mean “ ___”

A.time B.test C.homework D.school

( )3.If you put off doing your homework, _____.

A.it will be kept on your mind B.it will be much easier to do C.it will make you happy D.it doesn’t matter much

( )4.To do your homework at the same time every day_____.

A.will make it more difficult B.will make your free time less pleasant

C.will help you have a good habit D.will help you live longer

A new term has begun. This year may be your busiest school year because you are getting ready for important

exams. Good study habits will help you make full use of your time. Here is some advice from us scientists.

1. Study the same thing in different places.

You may have a regular (固定的) place to study--------a quiet room or a corner of the school library. However, scientists say it helps you to remember if you study the same thing in two different places. For example, you can read your Chinese textbooks in your classroom and in the school garden. See if you remember what you learned better than if you read the same thing twice in the classroom.

2. Don't just learn one skill at a time(一次).

Have you ever seen athletes training? They usually do strength (力量) , speed (速度) and skills training together. Our brain works like that, too. It is better at learning different skills than just one at a time. For example, if you are studying English, you may want to study vocabulary, grammar and reading all at the same time.

3. Space out (间隔开) your studying.

Most of you may have had the experience of studying for a long time the night before a test. That may get you a good grade in an exam, but you will soon forget the things you learned. Scientists found that spacing improves your ability (能力) to remember things. You can study for an hour tonight, an hour on the weekend, another hour a week from now. Then you won't need to stay up all night for a test.

( )5. US scientists gave us pieces of advice to study better.

A.4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1

( )6. You can study better if you read .

A. in the library all the time B. in a regular place

C. in different places D. in the classroom all the time

( )7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. You should learn different skills at a time. B. You should learn one skill at a time.

C. You should study only the night before a test. D. Athletes only do speed training at a time.

( )8. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Study Places B. Train Skills C. Study Hard D. Good Study Habits


1.You can______________ (driver) fast in the highways.

2.Students____________________________________(should,allow) to use dictionary in the English class.

3.The USA is a ___________________(develop) country.

4. You should ask my ____________________( permit) before use my pen.

5.He has a _____________________(person) digital assistant.

6.___________________(million)of tourists visit the Great Wall every year.

7.Many old people don’t like fast food in the_________________(slight) every year

8.Maybe Bob is a good______________________ (listen) in class. He never talks with others.

9.They will not go on a Disney Cruise if it____________________(rain) tomorrow.

10.He is used to ___________________( live) here.


1. 每个人都有优点,我们应该互相学习。

Everybody has strong points. We should ______________ __________ each other.

2. 昨天晚饭之后他开始做作业。

He ________ ______ doing the homework after supper yesterday.

3. 他决定集中(精力)在英语上,因为他刚考试不及格。

He decided to ___________ ___________ English, because he just failed the exam.

4. 我哥哥根本不喜欢那个围巾。My brother did _________ like the scarf __________ _____________.

5. 他的父母对他要求非常严格。 His parents ______ ______ ______ him.

6. 他呆在家里而不是去游泳。He stayed at home ______________ _________ going swimming.

7. 约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。 -John has a lot of family rules. -_________ _______ Peter.

8. 我通常一个月理一次发。I usually____________ my hair ____________once a month.

9. 他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。He should ________ ___________ that silly earring.

10. 下周我有三天假. I will ___________ three days _________ next week.

11. 她将去学校,他也是。She will go to school. ________ ________ he.

12. 我没有足够的时间等他们。 I don’t have for them.

13.在老师的帮助下,我取得了好成绩。I got good grades _____ the teacher.

14. 我们应该对老年人有耐心。We should be ____________ ___________ the old.

15. 如果我有一百万,会给医学研究机构。If I had a minillion dollars, I would give it to the __________ _____________.

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