1. He doesn't lend his book to nobody. 2. You can't make something out of nothing.
3. I'll take it then. Not for nothing. I'll give you something in return.
4. I could not disobey him. Only one thing remained for me: to suffer and obey.
5. He was never dissatisfied with my work. 6. What's done cannot be undone.
7. This captain took a fancy to my conversation, which was not at all disagreeable at that time.
[×¢] Èç¹ûÒªÓ÷ñ¶¨´ú´Ê×÷Ö÷ÓνÓïÒªÓÿ϶¨Ê½¡£
Nothing is changeless. Nothing is without his faults. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
¾äÐÍ20[(There be)+no+Ö÷Óï+´Ê×é»ò´Ó¾ä+without+Ãû´Ê…/¶¯Ãû´Ê]
[It (»òÃû´Ê) is+·ñ¶¨´ÊÓï+²»¶¨Ê½+without+Ãû´Ê…/¶¯Ãû´Ê]
1. We can live without food or water for some days, but without air we cannot live even a few minutes.
2. At the beginning of learning English he could not speak it without making mistakes.
3. There is no right to speak without investigation. 4. No gains without pains.
5. (There is) No sweet without (some) sweat.
6. Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.
7. Without knowledge of science and technology it is impossible to build socialism.
8. It is impossible for your team to win without constant training.
[×¢1] ÓɵڶþʽµÄÊ¡ÂÔ "no…without…"½øÒ»²½½ôËõµÄ½á¹û£¬±ã²úÉú "no…no…" ¼òÂÔʽ£¬Ö÷ÒªÓÃÓÚÑèÓï¸ñÑÔ¡£ÀýÈ磺No pains, no gains. No law, no liberty. No investigation, no right to speak. Nothing venture, nothing have. (nothingÊÇnoµÄÅÉÉú´Ê)
[×¢2] "not without…" ±íʾ"²»ÎÞ…"¡¢"²»ÊÇûÓÐ…"µÄÒâ˼£¬ÊÇÒ»ÖÖίÍñµÄ˵·¨¡£
ÀýÈ磺Not without reason / not without some doubt I have brought back your man-not without risk and danger.
¾äÐÍ21[Ö÷Óï+ cannot+help/ refrain from/ keep from+¶¯Ãû´Ê…]
1. Though Laurence had promised Keith not to see Wanda, he could not help going to her.
2. He (Shylock) could not help showing his pleasure. 3. I can't help admiring it whenever I look at it.
4. I could not refrain from retorting to hear such a lie. 5. I cannot keep from laughing to hear such a story.
¾äÐÍ22[Ö÷Óï+ cannot+but/ choose but/ help but+¶¯´ÊÔÐÎ…]
1. "You cannot but feel already that it is useless staying here… you will have to go farther."
2. I can not but admire his courage. 3. We cannot (choose) but read books to increase our knowledge.
4. They cannot but admit that in certain aspects of science and technology we are away ahead of them.
1. Nothing was useful which was not honest. 2. Nothing can be wholly beautiful that is not useful.
3. I have never committed one act that was not in the interests of my people.
4. Bassanio, in his grief, replied that there was nothing he would not sacrifice.
¾äÐÍ24[(There be) No+ Ö÷Óï+ but+ νÓï+ ÆäËû]
1. There is no man but has his faults. 2. (There is) Nobody but has his faults. 3. No one but can do it.
4. There is no rule but has exceptions. 5. There is nobody but knows this matter.
¾äÐÍ25[µÚÒ»·Ö¾ä(·ñ¶¨Ê½Î½Óï)+but +µÚ¶þ·Ö¾ä(¿Ï¶¨Ê½Î½Óï)]
1. It never rains but it pours.(=It never rains without pouring.)
2. I never see you but I think of my brother. 3. They never meet but they discuss this problem.
4. She never comes but she brings something for the children.
[×¢] ººÓïÖеÄË«ÖØ·ñ¶¨¾äÒë³ÉÓ¢Óïʱ²»Ò»¶¨ÓÃË«ÖØ·ñ¶¨¾ä¡£"ÖªÎÞ²»ÑÔ£¬ÑÔÎÞ²»¾¡¡£"-- Say all you know and say it without reserve. "ÕâÑùµÄÈËÊÇûÓв»Ë¤õӵġ£"-- Such people are bound to trip and fall.
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