由威廉希尔app 中考频道提供,是根据中考学整理的2015年果洛中考复习资料:祈使句的分类,因此老师及家长请认真阅读,关注孩子的成长。
1. Study, study and once more study. 2. Working men of all countries, unite!
3. Learn from comrade Lei Feng. 4. Don't forget it. 5. Come here.
6. Stop crying and wipe away your tears.
1. Be red and expert. 2. Be brave, don't be afraid. 3. Don't be shy!
4. Be careful, when cross the street. 5. Be an honest person, speak and act honestly.
3. Don't be afraid, speak out.
1. Get organized! 2. Get done with it. 3. Get away! 4. Get along with you.
5. Get out of here. 6. Get back.
[附注] 祈使句一般不用主语,如系多数人而须指示任务时可以有主语,这个主语相当于呼语。如:
1. You talk; we have heard enough from the others.
2. Everybody shut their eyes.
3. You sweep the floor, Xiao Wang; you clean the desks, Xiao Li, and others fetch water.
其次,大人对孩子说话,或含有急躁、厌烦等情绪, 也可加主语you
1. Now you listen to me. 2. You must not talk so loud!
3. Now you get a bit of paper and write down. 4. Your mind your own business!
第三,当句中的副词虚助词在句首时,须用主语,如:In you go! (=Go in, please.)
关于2015年果洛中考复习资料:祈使句的分类就介绍完了,更多2015中考备考资料等信息,请关注威廉希尔app 果洛中考英语频道!
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