1. "Are you going with us?" - "Yes, I'm."
2. "Have you had any news of your horse this morning?" - "Yes, he's fit as a fiddle."
3. "Do you like your house?" - "Oh, fearfully. Won't you come and see it?"
4. Can you not (= can't you) walk a little faster?
5. Ought we not (=Oughtn't we) to give him a chance to try?
句型94[Do (does, did) +主语+(not)谓语+其他]
1. Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper's address? 2. Did you have a good time?
3. "Does this bus take me to Oxford Circus?" - "Yes, get on, please."
[注] 要注意对否定句的回答与汉语习惯不同,如: 1. Didn't you speak to him yesterday? No, I didn't. Yes, I did.
2. Aren't you of the Han nationality? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
1. "You study English, don't you?" - "Yes, we do."
2. "They have decided not to go, haven't they?" "Yes, they have."
3. You like it, don't you? 4. He's ready, isn't he?
1. "You won't be away for long, will you?" - "No, I'll be back in an hour or so."
2. "… I think I'll go into the green line. You couldn't give me a helping hand, could you, Mr. Snape?"
3. "I'd like to go to Central Australia with you…. you have never been out of England, have you?"
4. "He doesn't know anything about it, does he?" - "No, he doesn't.
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