威廉希尔app 为大家整理了中考英语状语从句复习题,希望对大家有所帮助。仔细阅读,并祝各位同学在学期中快乐。
1. ______ they had worked for along time, everyone looked tired.
A. While B. After
C. Unless D. For
2. He has been a teacher ______ he came to the country.
A. since B. until
C. as D. when
3. He has had to cook by himself ______ his mother went on business to Beijing.
A. during B. since
C. after D.when
4. It is ten years ______ I saw you last time.
A. since B. when
C. that
5 He always thinks I'm wrong, ______ I may say.
A. no matter whatever B. whatever
C. what D. that
6. ______ , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A. However late is he
B. However he is late
C. However is he late
D. However late he is
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