


26.Why Robot English Teachers were created?__B__

A.Because students don't like their English teachers.

B.Because there aren't enough English teachers.

C.Because robot teachers are cleverer.

D.Because robot teachers can help students practice English.

27.Who invented the Underwater Kite?__A__

A.Glen Martin.

B.Air Pod.

C.Tony Mulligan.

D.The passage doesn't tell us.

28.Which invention can help the disabled people?__B__

A.Robo-Guard. B.eLEGS.

C.Hard-working Robot. D.Green Machine.

29.Tom wants to learn to swim,he needs the invention of__C__.

A.Underwater Kite B.Green Machine

C.Robo-Guard D.Hard-working Robot

30.From the passage we know__C__.

A.English teachers in South Korea don't work hard.

B.Green Machine can collect energy.

C.Hard-working Robot can identify different human voices.

D.Air Pod car runs on electric.



31.Can you help me __translate__(翻译)this English poem into Chinese?(2014,兰州)

32.My father was cutting the __grass__(草)while I was planting roses.

33.The factory __processed__(加工) the leather last year.

34.The ice will soon change into water if you __heat__ (加热) it.

35.I decide to buy a new __handbag__ (小手提包) for my sister.

36.Let's __divide__ (把……分开) ourselves into several groups.

37.English is __widely__ (广泛地) used in the world.

38.The boy began crying all of a __sudden__ (突然).

39.She __remained__ (保持不变) sitting when they came in.

40.He took a pair of __scissors__ (剪子) and cut his hair.


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