


26.Which country is the writer's hometown?__D__

A.America. B.The UK.

C.China. D.Vietnam.

27.What are the girl students allowed to do in the writer's country?__C__

A.To have long nails.

B.To color their nails.

C.To grow their hair long.

D.To wear their own clothes.

28.What does the underlined word “independent” mean in Chinese?__B__

A.勇敢的 B.独立的

C.依赖的 D.不礼貌的

29.Which is TRUE about the Vietnamese students according to the passage?__A__

A.They have twenty-five classes a week.

B.They can design their school uniforms.

C.They don't get a report card from school.

D.They can find a job whenever they want.

30.From the passage,we can learn that__B__.

A.in Vietnam,the students must sit quietly and can't move around in class

B.the US students don't have such strict rules as the Vietnamese students

C.at the end of a school year,parents in Vietnam have to go to a parents' meeting

D.American parents don't pay for their children's education because they work after school



31.It's a fine day today.Let's have a __picnic__(野餐)!

32.The __purpose__(目的)of this project is to help the people in need.

33.Wang Jinquan,a teacher from Qichun,has __supported__(支持)many poor students to college.

34.He'll __attend__ (参加) an important meeting tomorrow.

35.We took the __lift__ (电梯) to the top floor.

36.My two brothers are __policemen__ (男警察).They usually help people who are in trouble.

37.__Safety__ (安全) comes first!We should obey the traffic rules.

38.She was a woman of high __position__ (位置) in the government.

39.If you let others make __decisions__(决定) for you,you will never succeed.

40.The stamp is very __valuable__(贵重的),please collect it!


同学们,中考过后,你们即将告别亲爱的母校。回首三年的母校生活,学校里的很多规则都有助于你的健康成长。你能告诉我们在你们学校有哪些规则吗?你对这些校规有何看法?你对母校有哪些合理化建议?请你以“My School Rules”为题,写一篇短文。


My School Rules

In our school,we have many rules. We shouldn't be late for school.We have to wear school uniforms to school every day.We can't run or shout in the hallways.We can't eat in class.We should listen to the teachers carefully in class.We aren't allowed to smoke in school.

I think our school rules are too strict.We should be allowed to choose our own clothes.That will make us more comfortable.We shouldn't have too much homework to do every day.






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