A: Hi , David ! ________51______________ ?
B: Hi , Sarah ! I am going to see Anna . She is in hospital .
A: ___52__ ?
B: She had a traffic accident on her way to school and was hurt .
A: ____53_________ . Is there anything serious ?
B: Yes , there is something wrong with her leg .
A: Oh , my God ! __________54_________.
B: I hope so , too .
A: ____55__ ?
B: Sure . Let's go !
VI. 选择适当的词并用正确形式完成短文,把所选词的适当形式写在下面的横线上,使短文内容完整、正确。(每空1分,共10分)
police also train is serious other on drive hour money
Dear Editor,
Life in this city needs to be improved. For one thing, there are too many cars, and there ___56___too much smog (烟雾) , especially at rush ___57___ . The air pollution is terrible. This problem is really ___58___ downtown in the business area. Too many people ___59___ their cars to work.
So what should we do about it? I think there should be more ___60___ officers at busy crossings. They could stop traffic jams. We ___61___need fewer parking garages downtown. The city spends too much ___62___ building them. It's easy to park, so too many people drive to work. On the ___ 63____ hand, ,the city doesn't spend enough ___64___ public transportation (交通). There aren't enough underground lines, and the ___65___ system (系统) needs a lot of improvement.
56._________ 57._________ 58._________ 59._________ 60._________
61._________ 62._________ 63._________ 64._________ 65.________
希望小编的这篇辽宁盘锦中考英语模拟试题—填空题能够解大家的燃眉之急,威廉希尔app 在此预祝大家中考顺利!
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