(A)根据短文的内容, 选择一个最佳答案,并涂在答题卡上。
Can you imagine a world without the Internet ? It’s surprising to think about it.
Now, China has more than 162 million Internet users, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre. This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States. Today, 66%of Chinese “netizens (网民)” are teenagers. “They spend about thirteen hours every week online,” said Qian Hulin, an Internet expert(专家). Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games.
The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information, to communicate with others and to have fun. On the Internet, teenagers can find out almost anything. And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge.
Li Dong, a teacher at No. 41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang, likes her students to use the Internet. “When we talk in class, students who surf the Net usually know more background information than the others,” she said.
In addition, people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emails. Many teens keep in touch with their friends online. It is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker.
31. _______ has the most Internet users in the world according to the article.
A. China B. America C. Canada D. Russia
32 . There are about _______ Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week.
A. 107 million old B. 22.7 million old
C. 107 million young D. 22.7 million young
33 . Song said some teenagers continued _______ more than ten hours.
A. playing online games B. searching for information
C. chatting with their friends D. sending emails to others
34 . Li Dong in No. 41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she ______.
A. thinks surfing the net can help students spend less time on homework
B. thinks her students can get more background information than the others
C. wants her students to talk to her about their hobbies and interests
D. wants to know what her students do and think about at home
35 . Which way is the cheapest and quickest to learn something about friends far away?
A. Giving them a call. B. Going to see them.
C. Writing a letter to them. D. Sending emails to them.
What will the house of the future look like? Could it have gardens on its walls, or a pool with fish for dinner? Architects (建筑师)believe that they are all possibilities. The only thing for sure is that the houses will be as green as possible.
The tree house
Many architects in the world would like to build a “tree house.” Like a leaf, the surface of the house collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used to heat water, produce electricity, and even create fresh air for the home. The “root” (根) of the house is deep under the ground. It uses the soil (土壤) to the home’s temperature.
The Lizard house
Like a lizard (蜥蜴), changing color with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When it’s in the bright sun, the cover of the house will turn dark to protect it from strong heat. During dark days, it turns white and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.
Meals at home
This design is perhaps as much about the future of food production as architecture (建筑风格). It has gardens on the outside wall of the house. People can plant tomatoes, carrots and green tea on them. So every day in the morning, you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.
Learning from the past
Looking to the future isn’t the only way to be green. Sometimes, ancient techniques (古老的技术) can also help cut down energy use. For example, a chimney (烟囱) can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier of hot air to flow out at the chimney.
36. What is the best title (标题) of the passage?
A. Green house of the future. b. The greener, the better.
C. How to build green houses. D. Changes of the houses.
We can heat water, produce electricity or create fresh air for the home .
A. with the root of a leaf. b. with the energy from sunlight.
C. with the soil under the ground D. with gardens on its walls.
38. What will happen to the cover of the lizard house when it’s in the bright sun?
A. It will take in light. b. It will produce energy.
C. It will turn dark. D. It will turn white.
39. The passage seems to tell us that meals at home in the future .
A. will be more delicious. b. need more cooks.
C. cost as much as possible. D. will be greener.www.91zhongkao.com
40. A chimney can be a useful air conditioner but it used to cause .
A. pollution. b. accident. C. noise. D. techniques.
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