完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(10 分)
"How do you do it , Dad ? How have you given up smoking for almost 20 years ?" It ____21____ me almost 20 years to have the courage( 勇气) to even ask my father this very personal question . When Dad first quit (戒掉) smoking , the whole family were worried . For a few years we didn't mention it before him because we were afraid that he would start it ___22____.
Hearing my question , my father smiled and went to his desk and took a book out of his drawer . He said , " The ___23____ is in this book." I looked at the book . Its pages were yellowish (发黄的) . It seemed very ____24____. Suddenly I remembered it was my writing book when I was at middle school.
My father went on , "I knew your nice ____25____. You wrote it in it ,"My father is quitting smoking is my little wish ." When I read it , I decided to help you to let your little wish ___26___ . In the beginning , I read it to ___27___ at least four to five times a day . It was your wish that gave me courage to hold on ___28___ I quit smoking successfully ."
How amazed I was ! I didn't expect that a sentence in my writing book was Dad's reply ___29___ my 18-year-old question .Tears came into my eyes , and I hugged (拥抱) my father . I knew it was father's ___30___ to his daughter that helped him stop smoking.
21. A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid
22. A. again B. next C. first D. following
23. A. thought B. answer C.result D. decision
24. A. expensive B. new C. useful D. old
25. A. wish B. present C. problem D. disease
26. A. come on B. come true C.come up D. come out
27. A. it B. itself C. me D. myself
28. A. if B.because C. since D. until
29. A. to B. with C. of D. From
30. A.book B. impression C. secret D. love
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