吉林中考试题英语作文:The Olympic Games in London



眼过千遍不如手写一遍,威廉希尔app 为了帮助在校初中生,特别整理了“吉林中考试题英语作文:The Olympic Games in London”一文,详情如下:

吉林中考试题英语作文:The Olympic Games in London

With the clap and laughter flying around,London is the winner in the 30th Internatinal Olympic Games' competition.

In consideration of London's success,there are three points cannot be ignored.

As is known to all, London is a gardon city. When you step into the city, you will find yourself deeply attractted by the beautiful suroundings around.

Moreover,there are lots of standard stadiums and gymnasiums for Olympic Games,such as the swimming pools,football playground and basketball gyms. In addition, several years ago, London used to successfully hold an Olympic Game. Owning this cherish experience,London will surely hold a more wonderful one.

Generally speaking,Olympic is not only a simple sport, but another name for sports'spirit as well. In London, exercising has become a hobby in every child's heart.

So in the end, London become the holder for 2012 Olympic Game.

吉林中考试题英语作文:The Olympic Games in London已经呈现在各位考生面前,望各位考生能够努力奋斗,成绩更上一层楼。更多精彩尽在【吉林中考网


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