听第九段对话,回答第13 至15 小题。
W: Welcome to Miss Wen’s shop!
M: I want to buy a present for my mother’s birthday.
W: Look at these red roses. They’re so beautiful!
M: Well, my dad prepares flowers every year.
W: How about the handbag? It’s a hot-selling product in our shop.
M: How much is it?
W: 380 Yuan.
M: That’s too expensive.
W: Do you like the orange scarf? It’s 100 Yuan.
M: OK. It’s getting colder now. And Mum likes orange best.
第二节 笔录要点
Boys and girls, attention please! This is Mr. Li. Here’s some information about our trip to Shaoshan, Chairman Mao’s hometown. We’ll go there by coach. It’s a long trip. It will take us more than two hours to get there. So we must get up early and meet on the playground at 7:30 after breakfast tomorrow morning. We’ll take some sandwiches and fruit for lunch and we’ll eat together in a park. Here are things you should remember: First, in the afternoon we’ll meet at the place where our coaches stop at 4 pm and get back to school. Second, safety is always the most important during a trip. This is the last school trip in junior high, so I hope everyone can have a good time. Thank you for listening. See you tomorrow.
16.by coach 17. two/2 18.On the playground
19.remember 20. Safety
题号 答案 得分 题号 答案 得分
单选 1 A 1 单选36 C 1
单选2 B 1 单选37 A 1
单选3 C 1 单选38 B 1
单选4 B 1 单选39 B 1
单选5 A 1 单选40 A 1
单选6 C 1 单选41 C 2
单选7 B 1 单选42 A 2
单选8 B 1 单选43 B 2
单选9 C 1 单选44 A 2
单选10 B 1 单选45 B 2
单选11 A 1 单选46 B 2
单选12 C 1 单选47 C 2
单选13 C 1 单选48 A 2
单选14 A 1 单选49 B 2
单选15 C 1 单选50 C 2
单选21 A 1 单选51 B 2
单选22 B 1 单选52 C 2
单选23 C 1 单选53 A 2
单选24 B 1 单选54 A 2
单选25 A 1 单选55 B 2
单选26 C 1 单选56 A 2
单选27 A 1 单选57 C 2
单选28 C 1 单选58 C 2
单选29 B 1 单选59 B 2
单选30 B 1 单选60 A 2
单选31 B 1
单选32 B 1
单选33 C 1
单选34 A 1
单选35 C 1
1. In the Palace Museum.
62. (It was) silent and/but powerful.
63. (He’s) a photographer.
64. Since he was four/the age of four.(For 11 years. )
66. He also said it would make children safer.
67. 追踪器让父母知道校车在哪里以及孩子们是否在车上。
68. This is their first time to leave (part with) their parents.
69. 现在校车在中国变得越来越普及。
70. 据说到今年年底我们城市的道路上将会有3000辆黄色校车(行驶)。
71. What’s wrong/ What’s the matter with you?
72. Have you prepared for it?
73. Could you give some advice/ Could you help me?
74.(You should/can) read English novels.
75. Who was it written by? /Who wrote it/Who’s the writer?
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