第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计30分)
In the USA, about 450,000 school buses take more than 25 million children to and from school. The yellow school bus is a US symbol. Yellow became the color of school buses in the USA in 1939. Dr. Frank got the good idea. He said it was easy for people to see yellow buses and the black letters on them in early morning and later afternoon. 66. 他也说那会使孩子们更安全。
There are not many school buses in Britain, and they are not yellow. They have trackers(追踪器) on them, so kids are being tracked while they travel to and from school by bus.67. The trackers let parents know where the schoo l bus is and whether their kids are on the bus.
Kindergarten(幼儿园) is a difficult time for some kids. 68. 这是他们第一次离开父母。Kindergartens in Japan prepare colorful buses for the kids in order to make them like to go to school. The buses can easily make children want to take them and then, go to school. Even some parents want to take them, too!
69. Nowadays school buses are becoming more and more popular in China. It saves a lot of time for students to take a school bus. 7. It is said that there will be 3,000 yellow school buses on the road by the end of the year in our city.
第二节 情景交际 (共5小题,计10分)
A: Jack, you look worried. 71. __________________?
B: We’re going to have an English exam next week.
A: 72. __________________?
B: I haven’t prepared anything for it. I really don’t know how to learn English. 73.________________?
A: Of course. First, you should try to memorize the words by yourself. Second, you should speak English as much
as you can. Third, 74. ___________________. I’m reading an excellent one.
B: Good ideas! Then, what English novel are you reading?
A: The Old Man and The Sea.
B: 75 ._________________?
A: Hemingway, my favorite American writer.
第三节 书面表达(10分)
每个人的成长都是一种蜕变的过程,从幼稚走向成熟,从逆境走向成功。请你以“I have changed a lot”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你在成长过程中所经历的一次变化。要求如下:
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