



Here are some ideas for learning English faster.

★You are like a new baby

Babies learn their languages slowly.First they learn to listen.Then they learn to talk.Finally,they can read and write.

★Listen to English every day

Listen to English radio,watch English TV,go to see English movies or use online lessons.

★Practise the conversations

Make up conversations and practise the conversations.You'd better use beginner textbooks.

★Read English stories

Start with children's storybooks.Try to read stories for ESL readers.Read ads and so on.Try English Club.com for young learners.

★Write down new words

Start a new word notebook.Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C).Make some sentences.Try to use an English-English dictionary.

★Keep an English diary

Start with one sentence.Like how do you feel?How is the weather?What did you do today?Write another sentence tomorrow.

41.How do babies learn their languages?__A__

A.Slowly.      B.Quickly.

C.Loudly.      D.Quietly.

42.The writer gave us __C__ ideas for learning English faster.

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

43.What kind of books do we start to read when learning English?__A__

A.Children's storybooks.

B.Children's textbooks.

C.Children's picture books.

D.Children's music books.

44.Which of the following is TRUE for English learning according to the passage?__D__

A.Babies learn to read and write first.

B.Listening to English radio is not helpful.

C.We should always use an English-Chinese dictionary.

D.We can start with one sentence to keep an English diary.


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