The work for my team was to repair an old roof.Before we __26__ for the house in the morning,my team leader told us that the house owner,Floyd,__27__ a cancer.When we arrived,he was sitting on his rocking __28__.As he stood to greet us,we all came around him.He was not worried about his __29__ and wanted us to be comfortable.I asked about his family and __30__ he used to do.He showed us photo album __31__ photo album.I began to __32__ like I knew his whole family as well as I __33__ my own.Floyd was so kind that he brought us fruit and snacks from his __34__ so we had something more than our peanut butter and sandwiches for __35__.
Fixing his roof was hard and __36__ work.Though the house was not high,I was __37__ to look over the edge(边缘).It was almost 40 degrees up there and our clothes were all __38__ with sweat(汗).Floyd's attitude kept our __39__ up and encouraged us to do as much as we could.When we finally finished the work,we all __40__ our tiredness.We wanted to spend more time with Floyd.
( B )26.A.lookedB.left C.worked D.hung
( C )27.A.operated B.was
C.had D.served
( A )28.A.chair B.table C.window D.tree
( D )29.A.nurse B.doctor C.medicine D.illness
( A )30.A.what B.how C.where D.which
( B )31.A.among B.after C.behind D.against
( B )32.A.live B.feel C.write D.treat
( D )33.A.missed B.read C.called D.did
( C )34.A.taste B.building C.kitchen D.office
( B )35.A.plate B.lunch C.rest D.supply
( A )36.A.hot B.normal C.free D.wise
( C )37.A.reminded B.advised C.scared D.exhausted
( C )38.A.lively B.same C.wet D.familiar
( A )39.A.spirits B.emotions C.positions D.symbols
( B )40.A.spread B.forgot C.shared D.remained
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