


威廉希尔app 为您整理了辽源中考英语试题练习:阅读理解,本文主要提供了各类试题,希望和您一起探讨!



Popular Articles in the Magazine

Relation between you and food Do you live to eat or eat to live? What kind of relationship(关系) do you have with food? Read this article to find out more about food.

Black sheep and Uncle Bob There is an English teacher in this article. The teacher works in Russia. He explains why he finds family stories interesting. He also tells us what makes his own family special.

Films that aren’t really about Canada You can’t see much of Canada in American films like the 1953 movie ‘Niagara’ .For me, Canada is a place that starts somewhere on the other side of that waterfall.

Ice cream and banking Most people in Britain believe that it’s a good idea to save money. This is an important part of the culture, or at least it was in the past.

41. How many popular articles are there in the magazine?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.5

42. Which article is about saving money?

A. Ice cream and banking.

B. Black sheep and Uncle Bob.

C. Relation between you and food.

D. Films that aren’t really about Canada.

43 . What is Black sheep and Uncle Bob about?

A. American films. B. Family stories.

C. Food. D. Banking.


It’s fun to get presents. It also feels good to give to others. So what’s the best way to budget (预算) your money and shop wisely(明智地)? Susan Beacham has some advice.

“My first tip is to make a list,” says Beacham. She suggests that kids talk with their families about to whom they should give gifts and how much they should spend.

Take the list with you to the store. “Make sure that you do the maths,” says Beacham. “If you spent $30 on someone you were going to spend $25 on, you’re going to have to spend $5 less on somebody else.”

What to do if you just can’t stop buying things once in a mall? The answer is pretty easy – bring only a small amount(数量) of money with you. If you see something more expensive that you really want to buy, wait a few days and see if you’re still thinking about it. Chances are, you won’t even remember it.

Do you have enough money? If not, make changes. And don’t forget – not everyone needs a store-bought gift. Some of the best presents are free.

44.According to Beacham’s advice on shopping wisely, kids should do the following EXCEPT _____.

A. talk with their parents B. make a list

C. take the list to the shop D. stay with their friends

45. If kids can’t stop buying things once in a mall, they should _____.

A. ask their parents to go with them

B. bring less money with them

C. borrow some money from their parents

D. do part-time jobs to make money

46. We can know from the story that _____ is the best present for your friend.

A. some money B. a cinema ticket

C. a store-bought gift D. a home-made cake

47. What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?

A. How to choose gifts.

B. Everyone needs a store-bought gift.

C. The best way to budget our money and shop wisely.

D. How much we should spend on presents.


When William Stidger taught at Boston University, he once thought about the people that he hadn’t thanked in his life. They taught him, encouraged him or cared a lot about him.

One was a teacher. She once taught William geography. So he wrote a letter of thanks to her.

He got the teacher's letter later. It began, "My dear Willie". He was very happy. Now over 50, he didn't think someone would call him "Willie". Here is that letter:

My dear Willie,

I cannot tell you how much your letter means to me. I'm in my eighties, living alone in a small room and cooking my own meals. You will be interested to know that I taught school for 50 years and yours is the first letter of appreciation (感谢) I ever got. It came on a cold morning but it made me feel very warm.


William cried when he read the letter. She was one of the people that William hadn't thanked in his past. She helped him to believe in himself. He would never forget her.

There are some people we should always remember, because they helped to shape( 塑造) our life. William Stidger found a way to show his appreciation—he wrote them letters.

Who are some of the people that you need to thank in your past? It may not be too late to say "Thanks".

48. When William wrote the letter, he was

A. quite old B. young

C. over 50 D. still a student

49. What does the underlined word “encourage” mean in Paragraph 1 ?

A. 感激 B. 放弃

C. 鼓励 D. 评价

50.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. William’ s teacher lived with her children.

B. William’ s teacher got his letter on a cold morning.

C. William’s teacher once taught him English.

D. William’s showed his appreciation by visiting them .

51.Why did William write to his geography teacher?

A. He got her first letter of appreciation.

B. His teacher sent him a present.

C. He wanted to make friends with his teacher.

D. His teacher helped him to believe in himself.


You’re sitting in the car, stuck(无法离开的) in traffic. You’re going to be late for school! If only the car could lift(升起) up and fly all the way to the school gate. Well, now you can realize(实现) your wish .

Engineers from the UK built a flying car, called the SkyRunner. This special vehicle(车辆) can reach 185km per hour on the road as a normal(正常的) car, and then fly in the sky at 90km per hour. As the car takes off the ground, a parachute (降落伞) at the back shoots(发射) up and begins lifting the car. Now you’re ready to fly! It lets you fly as high as 4,572 meters! Worried about the planes in the sky? Don’t worry, planes usually fly between about 9,000-15,000 meters in the sky, much higher than the car.

“This vehicle will change the way people experience their world and offer fun of flight,” said Stewart Hamel, inventor of the SkyRunner.

What’s more, because the controls(操纵) are so easy, anyone with a driving license(驾照) can fly the SkyRunner, only they finish 12 hours of flying lessons. But how do you get down safely from 4,572 meters? The flying car works like a normal parachute. Once you want to get down, just release(放开) your foot from the accelerator (加速器). Then it will safely float(漂浮) back down to earth with a smooth(平稳的) landing.

People will finally be able to fly this car next year, at a cost of 75,000 pounds (731,000 yuan). Wouldn’t this be a cool way to meet your friends at the school gate?

52. Engineers from built the SkyRunner

A. China B. the USA C. the UK D. Japan

53. The speed of the SkyRunner can reach _____ per hour in the sky.

A. 185km B. 90km C. 4.6km D. 9-15km

54. According to the last two paragraphs, flying the SkyRunner _____.

A. does not need a driving license

B. is not as safe as driving a car

C. is like controlling a normal parachute

D. is a dream hard to realize

55.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. Meeting your friends at the school gate B. Flying in a plane

C. Flying to school in a sky car D. Enjoying a fast car

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