





(    ) 1. What’s the boy looking for?

A. A football.B. A basketball.C. A volleyball.

(    ) 2. When will they go to the library?

A. Next Tuesday.B. Next Monday.C. Next Thursday.

(    ) 3. What was Sam doing?

A. He was cleaning the floor.

B. He was playing football.

C. He was drawing on the wall.

(    ) 4. What kind of music does Linda like?

A. Rock music.B. Country music.C. Light music.

(    ) 5. What does the man’s answer mean?

A. The woman can’t sit beside him.

B. The woman can sit beside him.

C. Someone else will sit beside him.



(    ) 6. What color does the man’s daughter like best?

A. Yellow.B. Blue.C. Red.

(    ) 7. Which coat does the man choose in the shop?

A. The 150yuan one.B. The 80yuan one.C. Neither.


8. Why is John so excited?

A. Because his parents will take him to his uncle’s home.

B. Because his parents will take him to England.

C. Because he will meet his friends at the airport from London.

9. When and where are they going?

A. To London in two weeks.                    B. To the USA next Friday.

C. To England next week.

10. When are they coming back?

A. At the end of July.               B. In the middle of July.           C. On July 5th.


Information Card

Time now 6:00 am

Weather information Snow has been falling since     11

Suggested ways of transportation     12

Influence to the school Some schools in the countryside are     13

More information about the weather     14     will last for at least two more days.

Time for the next      15      In two hours

(    )11. A. Today

(    )12. A. Drive a car

(    )13. A. closed

(    )14. A. Wind

(    )15. A. music B. yesterday afternoon

B. Walk

B. open as usual

B. Snow

B. weather C. last night

C. Take a bus

C. broken

C. Cloud

C. news

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