


Ⅸ. 补全对话。(每小题1分,满分10分)

A) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。

A: Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside?.

B: 76_________________

A: Don’t you think it’s too noisy to live there?

B: A little. 77______________  And there are theatres, restaurants, libraries and many ither interesting places to go and have fun.

A: I see. 78___________ It’s dangerous somtimes. While in the country, it’s quite different. People  there often go by bike or on foot. It’s much safer and cheaper.

B: So what about you?. 79_____________

A: Yes, I like its fresh air, blue sky and I can climb up the trees to pick fruits..80__________________

B: Maybe you are right. But I think every coin has its two sides.

It’s really cool.

Where do you prefer to live?

Do you like living in the countryside?

But I like to go shopping in the city.

I prefer to live in the city.

But there is much traffic in the city.

Where do you think of the countryside?

B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在空白处各写一个句子,使对话完整正确。

A: Hello! May I Speak to Sand ra?

B: Hello! This is Sandra speaking. 81 ______________?

A: This is William. I hear you are going to a trip next weekend.82 _______________?

B: I’m going to Fuping, Shaanxi Province with my family.

A: Really? That’s really a beautiful place. It’s President Xi’s hometown.

B: It seems that you’re familiar with it. 83 ______________?

A: Yes, I have been there twice.

B: 84 _________________?

A: I went there two years ago. By the way, don’t pack anything to eat.

B: 85 ________________? What if I can’t get anything delicious to eat?

A: Don’t worry. There are many kinds of delicious food there. It’s reported that our president invited Lian Zhan to eat some famous snacks from Shaanxi including Fuping. Don’t you know that?

B: I nearly forgot! And I think Fuping and its food will be more and more famous like Qing Feng Steamed Stuff Bun.


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