


第三部分 阅读理解(一道大题,共35分)

IV 综合阅读(共35分)


Beijing Opera

Do you like Beijing Opera? Come and enjoy yourselves at 8:30 on Sunday night.

Ticket:Adults: 40 yuan;

Children : half the price of the adult’s

Place: Green Theater Rock Concert

Are you a rocker? We will rock you at 7:00 on Saturday night ! Don’t miss it !

Ticket: Adults—— 100 yuan

Children: half the price of the adult’s

Place : Vox Theater


Dr Wong will give a lecture about American country music. If you are fans of Taylor Swift. Come at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon.

Ticket :Free

Place :Green Hall Mozart

If you like the piano, if you ever heard about the Magic Flute, then don’t m iss the film Mozart in Moon Theater at 2:00 pm on Saturday.

Ticket : Adults——70 yuan

Children—— 30 yuan

( ) 56. Jack’s grandfather likes Beijing Opera . He will go to __________ .

A. Moon Theater     B. Vox Theater      C. Green Hall  D. Green Theater

( ) 57. The Rock Concer t is on __________ .

A. Sunday night   B. Saturday night  C. Sunday afternoon    D. Saturday afternoon

( ) 58. Taylor Swift might be the name of __________ .

A. a concert       B. a singer      C. a lecture     D. a rock star

( ) 59. Mozart begins at __________ .

A. 2:00 p m       B. 7:00 pm      C. 8:30 pm      D. 4:00 pm

( ) 60. Mrs Smith with her seven –year-old son goes to Moon Theater. She should pay __________ .

A. nothing       B. 100 yuan     C. 60 yuan     D. 150 yuan


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