We often praise the world of science. It explains the world and makes our lives easier with technology. One of the most exciting fields in science is artificial intelligence (人工智能 AI). This is an area where scientists are working on making machines that think like humans.
However, Professor Stephen Hawking, a well-known British scientist, is not for this kind of technology. “The development of artificial intelligence could spell(预言) the end of human”. He said so just after using the machine made for him. As Hawking has a serious illness called ALS, he needs an AI computer to communicate. The computer learns how Hawking thinks and suggests the words he may want to use next.
This kind of AI is very useful, but Hawking fears the possibility of making machines that can be smarter than humans. And it’s easy to imagine how terrible things may be. We can see on TV some big killer machines that are far cleverer than us. “Humans can’t compete because of their slow biological evolution (生物进化)” said Hawking. But no everyone holds the same idea towards AI technology. “I believe we can make good use of the technology for a long time. It will help us to solve many problems in the future.” said Rollo Carpenter, CEO of Cleverbot in the UK.
In which way do you think AI is heading? Should we be hopeful or fearful?
( )54. According to the passage, AI machines can ___________ nowadays.
A. make our lives easier B. think like human beings
C. be much smarter than humans D. have nothing to do with humans
( )55. The underlined word “this” means ___________.
A. A big killer machine B. A serious illness called ALS
C. The AI computer Hawking uses D. The AI technology scientists work on
( )56. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Hawking’s AI computer fully knows what he thinks about.
B. The AI technology is cleverer than humans now.
C. Hawking thinks humans might die out because of the development of AI.
D. Hawking is a famous British scientist and against human intelligence.
( )57.The best title for this passage may be ___________.
A. The Development of AI
B. AI:a Friend or an Enemy?
C. The Future of Human Beings
D. The Fight between Humans and AI
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