


( ) It’s said he stayed there quietly _____ two o’clock that afternoon.

A) on B) at C) until D) by

“at two o’clock that afternoon”意为“在昨天下午两点钟”,时态通常用“过去进行时”;“by two o’clock that afternoon”意为“在昨天下午两点钟前”, 时态通常用“过去完成时”;“until two o’clock that afternoon”意为“直到昨天下午两点钟”, 时态通常用“一般过去时”。本句中“stay”是延续动词,因此可用“until”句型;如果句中谓语是瞬间动词的话,就应该用“not …until”句型了。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) Tom didn’t attend the lecture yesterday evening _____ his illness.

A) as B) for C) because D)because of

在本句中,“因为生病”是一个词语,而不是原因状语从句,因此,不能选连词“as”、“for”或“because”来连接,而要用介词词组“because of”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) Now it’s quite important _____ us to make full use of time.

A) for B) to C) of D) with

“It’s important to sb.”( 意为“它对某人来说很重要”)是词语搭配,“It’s … for sb. to do …”(意为“做某事对某人来说是怎样的”)是句型。当两者交叉、重叠使用时,词语要让位于句型。所以本题答案应该选“A”。同样,“I like it so much that …”句型中用“so”、而不用“very”,也属于这种类型的表达方式。

( ) It’s nice _____ you to get the ticket _____ F1. It’s said the car-race is very exciting.

A) of, for B) for, for C) of, of D) for, of

这句是“It’s … of sb. to do”句型,意为“某人真是怎么样,做了某事”。后半句中“ticket for”是固定词语,意为“什么内容的票子”。 所以本题答案应该选“A”。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. You can draw it ______ paints and brushes.

A) by B) with C) in D) use

( ) 2. What did you have ______ breakfast?

A) as B) with C) about D) for

( ) 3. The police _____ helping to make our city a safe place to live and work _____.

A) is, in B) are, in C) is, / D) are, /

( ) 4. I’ve got three question _____ you to think about.

A) of B) for C) give D) to show

( ) 5. We can ask people _____ the Festival to do the quiz.

A) in B) on C) at D) for

( ) 6. What happens when we put some sugar _____ a glass of warm water?

A) on B) off C) out D) into

( ) 7. _____ they arrived at the village after all.

A) At the end B) In the end C) Last D) Attentively

( ) 8. The class teacher was sent _____ Christmas cards _____ some of the students.

A) to, by B) / , by C) to, from D) / , to

( ) 9. Q: What is that film _____? A: It’s a science film.

A) like B) about C) on D) for

( )10. Why not ask your friend _____ some advice if you’re really in trouble?

A) offer B) to give C) to D) for

( )11. The beautiful house is _____ sale. But it won’t be _____ sale.

A) on, for B) for, on C) with, for D) with, on

( )12. The weather here was _____ cold last week.

A) a kind B) a kind of C) kind of D) kinds of

( )13. The singing group is made _____ four handsome lads.

A) of B) from C) up of D) up from

( )14. Something _____ wrong _____ my watch, I'm afraid.

A) is, with B) is, in C) are, with D) are, in

( )15. There _____ a man and two women _____ the picture.

A) is, on B) are, in C) are, on D) is, in

( )16. Mary doesn’t know what lies ahead. _____ , she’s only 12.

A) At all B) In all C) After all D) For all

( )17. Should we _____ the postage _____ the parcel by ourselves?

A) pay, on B) pay, of C) pay for, on D) pay for, of

( )18. Alice _____ her service to the public.

A) was awarded the prize for B) was deserved to get the prize for

C) was proud for D) was pleased for

总结:南通中考英语知识点由威廉希尔app 整理,供大家参考,希望对同学们能有所帮助。





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