


【摘要】根据广大考生的需求,威廉希尔app 中考频道现整理了2014年中考英语原因状语从句常见考点,欢迎大家进行!



是用来说明引起主句这个结果的原因的从句,在初中阶段引导原因状语从句的从属连词主要的有because, as, since,for等。例如:

1.I didn't go to school yesterday because I was ill.   我昨天没去上学,因为我生病了。

2. Since everybody is h ere, let's begin our meeting.   既然大家都来了, 让我们开始开会吧.

3. As you are in poor health, you should not stay up late.   既然你身体不好, 你就不该熬夜.

4.I asked her to stay to tea, for I had something to tell her. 我请她留下来喝茶,因为我有事要告诉她.

原因状语从句应注 意的问题

1、because , since , as , for,辨析

1)because语势最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或 since。

I did n't go, because I was afraid.

Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey.

2)由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。例:

He is absent today, becaus e / for he is ill.   He must be ill, for he is absent today.

3) as和for的区别:通常情况下,as引导的从句在主句前,for引导的从句在主句后。例:   As the weather is cold, I stay at home.(同义句)   I stay at home, for the weather is cold.


汉语习惯上说"因为…所以…",但英语习惯上却不能将 so与because 连用:

正:Because it was raining, we stayed at home. / It was raining, so we stayed at home.

误:Because it was raining, so we stayed at h ome. 因为下雨,所以我们呆在家里。

3、because 从句与 because of短语的转换

Because引导的原因状语从句有时可与because of 短语转换,because of后加的原因可以为好或坏 ,但最正规的还是because。

He can't come because he is ill. / He can't come because of his illness. 他因病不能来。

I said nothing about it because his wife was there. / I said nothing about it because of his wife's being th ere. 因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提。



典型例题:He fou nd it increasin gly difficult to read, ____ hi s eyesight was beginning to fail.

A. and B. for C. but D. or

解析: "his eyesight was beginning to fail"是"he found it increasingly difficult to read"的原因, 因此本题应选用可以表示原因的连词for引导原因状语从句。

答案: B


除了because , since , as , for这四个词的辨析外,对于because 从句与 because of短语的区分也是难点之一。Because引导的原因状语从句有时可与because of 短语转换,because of后跟的是短 语 ,because后跟的是句子。

典型例题:He didn't go to work the heav y rain.

A .because B.because of C.so D.since

解析:题干的意思是" 由于那场大雨,他没有去上班" ,the heavy rain.表示原因,排除C; since 和 because 表示原因,后面跟的是从句,也就是说必须是一个完整的句子,本题中the heavy rain没有主语和谓语,.只是一个短语,所以排除A和C;because of表示"由于···",后跟名词、代词或短语。




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